wd_old = setwd("/tmp/RtmpGIYQVR/preview-3c454d5ed18.dir/")
f = list.files(pattern = "pres", full.names = T)
zip(zipfile = "/tmp/pres-start.zip", files = f)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)


This presentation reports on the findings and outcomes of a three-month study funded by the RAC Foundation, based on data provided by Elgin, a company which hosts the website https://roadworks.org. The main findings on the number and type of works demonstrate the diversity of reporting conventions accross the UK, highlighting the potential for harmonisation. We'll also touch on data on 'Section 58 Restrictions'; traffic disruptions (thanks to data from TomTom); and visitors to the roadworks.org website. The presentation will culminate in a live demo of the R package roadworksUK, software we wrote for the project.

# knitr::include_graphics()

background-image: url(https://media.giphy.com/media/l1cMaoSxV9KM0/giphy.gif) background-size: cover class: center, bottom, inverse


This shows us 3 things about road works: ubiquity (caused by fact roads are used for lots more than transport); impact on road users; and wider impacts.

The value of visualisation/analyisis







Road works vs street works









We use roadworks to refer to all disruptions on the road network

Live demo

But first: what we did + what's possible


pkg = "ITSLeeds/roadworksUK"



RStudio IDE Overview


class: center, middle


Many thanks to Elgin for providing the data and RAC Foundation for funding the project.

Slides created via the R package xaringan.

ITSLeeds/roadworksUK documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:18 p.m.