Man pages for Irstea/escroc
EscrocR: a R package implementing the models ESCROC and EscroPath

building_modelBuild the jags model code
checking_dataChecking data format
compute_diet_matrixComputes the posterior diet matrix
compute_enacompute ENA indices
compute_flow_matrixComputes the posterior the flow matrix
export_diet_speciesExport diet
fit_escrocFit the model
generate_initGenerate init
LOQLimit of quantifications
myresultsExample of results
plot_delta_tracersPlot Magnification / enrichment
plot_diet_speciesPlot diet
plot_full_diet_matrixplot the full diet matrix
prepare_datapreparation of the data
prior_diet_matrixPrior diet matrix
prior_signature_dataMeasurement from previous studies
reformat_resultsResult formating
signature_dataContaminants and isotopic measures
Irstea/escroc documentation built on June 18, 2022, 11:22 p.m.