
Defines functions applyPropOwnership

Documented in applyPropOwnership

#' Title
#' @param modules list of module info, elements should be named, generally similar what is returned by BioLockR::moduleInfo(), elements must be named using their alias within the pipeline.
#' @param sharedModuleProps a vector of properties that are used by more than one module (general properties are ignored)
#' @param genPropInfo list of property info object, similar to what is returned by BioLockR::propInfo()
#' @return 
#' a list similar to _modules_, but where the properties objects have added elements "override", "isKey", and "ownership";
#' override is the module-specific override property for this this module and property and 
#' ownership is one of "general", "shared", or "single"
applyPropOwnership <- function( modules, sharedModuleProps, genPropInfo=BioLockR::propInfo()){
    new = lapply(names(modules), function(alias){
        mod = modules[[alias]]
        # add features to properties
        mod$properties = lapply(mod$properties, function(propObj){
            propName = propObj$property
            propObj$override = module_override_prop(propName, alias)
            if (propName %in% names(genPropInfo)){
                propObj$ownership = "general"
            }else if (propName %in% sharedModuleProps){
                propObj$ownership = "shared"
                propObj$ownership = "single"
            propObj$isKey = is_key_module_prop(propObj, genPropInfo)
        # Order the properties
        orderedPropNames = names(mod$properties)
        #names in alphabetical order
        orderedPropNames = orderedPropNames[order(orderedPropNames)] 
        # order so that key props are first
        orderedPropNames = orderedPropNames[order(sapply(orderedPropNames, function(name){mod$properties[[name]]$isKey}), decreasing = TRUE)]
        # apply order
        mod$properties = mod$properties[orderedPropNames]
    names(new) = names(modules)
    return( new )
IvoryC/shinyBioLockJ documentation built on May 29, 2021, 7:40 a.m.