
Defines functions findExampleConfigs

Documented in findExampleConfigs

#' Find Example Configs
#' Look in the greater BioLockJ folder that contains the currently configured BioLockJ.jar file.
#' Examples are expected to be under BioLockJ/templates/exampleProject/example.config, 
#' where "BioLockJ" is the path passed in as _bljDir_.
#' @param bljDir the BioLockJ directory, typically two levels up from BioLockJ.jar
#' @details If there is any error in reaching the java program, the result is an empty string.
#' @return named list of sets of example files.
findExampleConfigs <- function( bljDir = dirname(dirname(BioLockR::get_BLJ_JAR())) ){
    examples = tryCatch({
        templatesDir = file.path(bljDir, "templates")
        examples = sapply(dir(templatesDir, include.dirs = TRUE, full.names = TRUE), 
                              set = dir(d, pattern = ".config", full.names = TRUE)
                              names(set) = basename(set)
        examples = examples[ sapply(examples, function(e){ length(e) > 0}) ]
        names(examples) = basename(names(examples))
    }, error=function(...){
        message("There was an error in getting the built-in examples.")
IvoryC/shinyBioLockJ documentation built on May 29, 2021, 7:40 a.m.