
Defines functions is_key_module_prop

Documented in is_key_module_prop

#' Is this a key property
#' The logic for this mimics the logic used to separate properties in the user guide.
#' A property is a "key" property for a given module if the property is not also a general property OR
#' if the description is different from the general property description.
#' @param prop a property object, an element from the list returned by BioLockR::propInfo()
#' @param genPropInfo the result of BioLockR::propInfo(), or similar
#' @return boolean
is_key_module_prop <- function(prop, genPropInfo=BioLockR::propInfo()){
    propName = prop$property
    if ( propName %in% names(genPropInfo)){
        propDesc = prop$description
        genPropDesc = genPropInfo[[propName]]$description
        if (propDesc == genPropDesc){
            isKey = FALSE
            isKey = TRUE
        isKey = TRUE
IvoryC/shinyBioLockJ documentation built on May 29, 2021, 7:40 a.m.