knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Before starting make sure that the TopoSUB R-package is installed and can be loaded:

  install_github("TopoSUB", "JBrenn")

Main functions

The main functions for TopoSUB postprocessing are reading and re-maping the cluster centroids of the output variables of a TopoSUB simulation. Look at their descripton!

  1. TopoSUB_read is reading the TopoSUB simulation output data in a data.table, it is utilising the R-function data.table::fread for faster and more convenient reading of text files compared to read.table, for simulations run in parallel mode parallel reading of data is implemented. Some postprocessing is done for specific variables:

  2. calculation of total precipitation from rain and snow components,

  3. calculation of evapotranspiration from transpiration and evaporation,
  4. calculation of latent and sensible heat over the canopy (see function TopoSUB_EfluxOcanopy),
  5. identification of snow cover days defined by the threshold argument SnowCoverThres,
  6. calculation of total soil water content by adding liquid and ice soil water content for each soil layer.

  7. TopoSUB_remap is taking over the data.table object (argument data) and is re-mapping variable vise (argument variable) according to the TopoSUB output map landform .asc. Variable names to use can be obtained by sourcing colnames from the TopoSUB package:


The further arguments are a bit more complex and shortly described below:

For clarification see the definitions of the arguments below:

periods = list(baseline = c(1980,2010), per1 = c(2020,2050), 
                            per2 = c(2045,2075), per3 = c(2070,2100))

periods_aggr = list(aggr = c("season", "veg_period"), fun = "mean", 
                    diff = c("absolute","percentage"))

postprocess = c(method="critSWC_fc_wp", dry_thres="30")

Example script

# run TopoSUB postprocessing

# set working directory to TopoSUB simulation folder

# can also be run with working directory in root TopoSUB folder
# if location configuration didn't change

# load parallel library

# setup file
  setupfile = "setup.txt"

# read location file
  locationfile = "locations.txt"
  locations <- read.csv(locationfile, header = F, colClasses="character")

  # get parameter
  apply(X = locations[,c(2,3)], MARGIN = 1,
        FUN = function(x) assign(x = x[1], value = x[2], envir = .GlobalEnv) )

# get sim path from location file
  simpath <- file.path(root, sim, "1d", paste("1d_",exper1,sep=""), 
                       formatC(as.integer(es),0,6,flag = "0"))

# define selection  argument  
  select <- list(PointOutputFileWriteEnd=c("Date12[DDMMYYYYhhmm]", "IDpoint", "Tair[C]", "Prain_over_canopy[mm]", "Psnow_over_canopy[mm]", "snow_water_equivalent[mm]", "Evap_surface[mm]", "Trasp_canopy[mm]", "Hv[W/m2]", "LEv[W/m2]", "Hg_unveg[W/m2]", "LEg_unveg[W/m2]", "Hg_veg[W/m2]", "LEg_veg[W/m2]", "Canopy_fraction[-]"), 
                 SoilLiqContentProfileFileWriteEnd=c("Date12[DDMMYYYYhhmm]", "IDpoint", "20.000000", "50.000000", "200.000000",  "500.000000"),
                 SoilIceContentProfileFileWriteEnd=c("Date12[DDMMYYYYhhmm]", "IDpoint", "20.000000", "50.000000", "200.000000", "500.000000"))

# read output
  data <- TopoSUB_read(wpath=simpath,
                       keys= c("PointOutputFileWriteEnd","SoilLiqContentProfileFileWriteEnd", 
                       select = select)

# re-mapping for long term climate impact simulations

  # list defining variable, fun and postprocess

  var_in <- list(c("Evaptranspiration_mm_","sum",NULL), 

  # parallelisation - looping through var_in with mclapply
  # applying TopoSUB_remap function

  mclapply(var_in, function(x) {
    TopoSUB_remap(data = data, variable = x[1], wpath = simpath,
                  periods_aggr = list(aggr=c("season", "veg_period"), fun=x[2], 
                                      diff = c("absolute","percentage")),
                  sequence=NULL, postprocess=x[3:length(x)])
  }, data=data, simpath=simpath)

Output in the TopoSUB simulation folder


JBrenn/TopoSUB documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:39 a.m.