# Store output format for later use
options(vignetteDocumentFormat= rmarkdown::all_output_formats("rodeoFABMVignette.Rmd"))
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        xtable.include.rownames = FALSE,
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        xtable.booktabs = TRUE

Main features of rodeoFABM

The R package rodeoFABM is a colletion of functions to help create water quality models that can be coupled to physical host models using the FABM interface (@bruggeman_general_2014). As the name suggests it is heavily influenced by the R package rodeo (@kneis_r_package_2017). The principle idea is to provide functions that:

The main concept is to write down the model equations in the standard Peterson matrix notation and store them in text files or spread sheets. The package rodeoFABM then can be used to automatically generate FABM specific FORTRAN code from these files, create .yaml control files for the water quality model and generate \LaTeX{} documentation of the model. For some operating systems there are also functions to automatically compile the 1D physical lake model GOTM (@burchard_2006) coupled with the model. The package also containse some functions to read into R and plot the outcome of a coupled GOTM-FBAM model run.

Installation and requirements

So far rodeoFABM was only tested with different Linux based operating systems, but besides compiling GOTM-FABM the contained funcitons should run on all operating systems. To create the FABM specific source code only some other R packages are required:

In order to automatically compile GOTM-FABM and run the examples in this vignette some additional software tools are needed:

The package rodeoFABM can be installed from github using:


Basic use

First example {#first_exmpl}

To demonstrate the work flow we will create and compile a simple model. The files used in this example are contained in the package and can be copied to the current working directory using:

# copy example ods file
example_model <- system.file("extdata/simple_model.ods", package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = example_model, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)

This will copy the Libre Office spread sheet simple_model.ods to your current working directory. Now we can read in the tables with the declarations of state variables, model parameters, used functions and external dependencies, process rate descriptions, and stoichiometry matrix.


# read in example ods file
odf_file <- "simple_model.ods"
vars <- read_ods(odf_file, sheet = 1)
pars <- read_ods(odf_file, sheet = 2)
funs <- read_ods(odf_file, sheet = 3)
pros <- read_ods(odf_file, sheet = 4)
stoi <- read_ods(odf_file, sheet = 5)

We store the declarations in the five data frames vars, pars, funs, pros, and stoi. Using these we can now generate FORTRAN source files using the function gen_fabm_code()


# generate fabm code
gen_fabm_code(vars,pars,funs,pros,stoi,"simple_model.f90",diags = TRUE)

This will create two new files: the FABM specific FORTRAN source code simple_model.f90 and the control file fabm.yaml which can be used to change model parameters and initial conditions. The function also checks if all parameter, functions, and state variables used are also decalred and issues a warning because the units decalred for the parameters are not in seconds, which is required by FABM.

Using the source code file simple_model.f90 we can compile GOTM-FABM. Therfore we first need to clone the lake branche of GOTM from github and prepare the build process. This can automatically be done using the function clone_GOTM():

# clone github repo
clone_GOTM(build_dir = "build", src_dir = "gotm_src")

This will take a moment and download the source code for GOTM and FABM as well as prepare the compilation using CMake. You can see that there are now two new folders in the working directory called gotm_src and build. Now we can build GOTM-FABM with our simple model using the simple_model.f90 file and the build_gotm() function:

# build GOTM
build_GOTM(build_dir = "build",fabm_file = "simple_model.f90",
           src_dir = "gotm_src")

This will copy the simple_model.f90 file we just created to the correct folder within the gotm_src folder and then compile GOMT-FABM using make. As a last step it will copy the created executable to the current working directory. You can see that there is now a gotm executable file in the working directory. In order to run our created model we will need a gotm.yaml file (the GOTM controll fille), an hypsograph file, and the meteorological forcing data. We will copy the example files provides in this package by using:

# copy example gotm.yaml
yaml <- system.file("extdata/gotm.yaml", package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = yaml, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)
# write hypsograph
write.table(hypsograph, "hypsograph.dat", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE,
            quote = FALSE)
# write meteo data
write.table(meteo_file, "meteo_file.dat", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE,
            quote = FALSE)

Now that we have the files gotm.yaml, hypsograph.dat, and meteo_file.dat in our working directory, we can run GOTM-FABM using:

# run gotm

After successfully running there are two new files: output.nc and restart.nc, both are netcdf files. output.nc is the output of the model run and restart.nc is a netcdf file that can be used to initialize a simulation with states stored from the previous run. We can plot the results e.g. by using the plot_var() function:

# plot temperature
plot_var("output.nc", "temp")

# plot oxygen
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_C_O2")

These are the essential steps used to build and run a GOTM-FABM model. In the next section we will go a little bit more into the details of building a own model using the rodeoFABM package and explain them step by step.

Manually compiling GOTM-FABM

If the provided compilation functions do not work on your operating system instructions on how to include your newly created FABM model can be found in the FABM wiki: github.com/fabm-model/fabm/wiki/Developing-a-new-biogeochemical-model. Instructions on how to compile GOTM-FABM can be obtained from the GOTM homepage: gotm.net/portfolio/software/.

Create a model step by step

In order to demonstrate the necessary steps and functionalities we will create a simple phytoplankton-nutrients model and progressively add more processes and state variables.

All used Libre Office spread sheets containing the model information, the GOTM control file, and the forcing data are contained in the rodeoFABM package. You can copy all necessary files to run GOTM using the same method as described in the first example. We will use the same meteorological forcing (meteo_file.dat) and hypsographic curve (hypsograph.dat) as in the first example. Additionally we now add one inflow and one outflow (files inflow_m.dat, outflow.dat, and inflow_wq_m.dat containing the nutrient concentrations of the inflow)

## copy necessary files

# GOTM controll fille
yaml <- system.file("extdata/examples/gotm.yaml",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = yaml, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)
# inflow hydrological data
infl <- system.file("extdata/examples/inflow_m.dat",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = infl, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)
# inflow nutient data
nut <- system.file("extdata/examples/inflow_wq_m.dat",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = nut, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)
# outflow data
out <- system.file("extdata/examples/outflow.dat",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = out, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)

The inflows and especially the inflow of state variables to a FABM model are defined in the streams section of the GOTM control file (gotm.yaml). The section looks like this:

   inflow:                                    # stream configuration
      method: 4                                 # inflow method, default=1
      zu: 0.0                                   # upper limit m
      zl: 0.0                                   # lower limit m
      flow:                                     # water flow
         method: 2                              # 0=constant, 2=from file, default = 0
         constant_value: 1.0                    # constant value( m^3/s)
         file: inflow_m.dat                     # path to file with time series 
         column: 1                              # index of column to read from 
      temp:                                     # flow temperature
         method: 2                              # 0=constant, 2=from file; default=0
         constant_value: 10.0                   # constant value (°C)
         file: inflow_m.dat                     # path to file with time series 
         column: 2                              # index of column to read from 
      salt:                                     # flow salinity
         method: 0                              # 0=constant, 2=from file; default=0
         constant_value: -1.0                   # constant value (PSU)
         file: inflow.dat                       # path to file with time series 
         column: 3                              # index of column to read from
      rodeo_HPO4:                               # rodeo phosphprus
         method: 0                              # 0=constant, 2=from file; default=0
         constant_value: 0.5                    # constant value (gP/m^3)
         file: inflow_wq_m.dat                  # path to file with time series
         column: 4                              # index of column to read from

Within the streams section several in- and outflows can be defined with any desired name (here "inflow"). The inflow/outflow depth is defined by streams/method, whereas 1 means surface, 2 means bottom, 3 means a specified range of depths defined by streams/zu (upper) and streams/zl (l), and 4 means inflow to the depth with same temperature as the inflow temperature. Every in- or outflow needs the streams/flow section defining the flow rate in m$^3$/s and can have additional entries like streams/temp for temperature or inflowing state variables of the FABM model (like streams/rodeo_HPO4). The FABM sate variables need to start with rodeo_ followd by the defined state variable name. The values can either be constant (streams/rodeo_HPO4/method = 0) or a time series given by a tab separated file (streams/rodeo_HPO4/method = 2) with first column datetime (as YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:ss). The name of the file is supplied by streams/rodeo_HPO4/file and the column the variable is in by streams/rodeo_HPO4/column, take care: the first column with datetime is not counted and if the columns have a header it needs to start with an excalamation mark "!".

We can create the source code of the phytoplankton nutients model in the same way as we created the source code in the first example:

# copy the spread sheet
ods <- system.file("extdata/examples/simple_alg.ods",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = ods, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)

# declare data frames for vars, pars, funs, pros, and stoi
vars <- read_ods("simple_alg.ods", sheet = "vars")
pars <- read_ods("simple_alg.ods", sheet = "pars")
funs <- NULL
pros <- read_ods("simple_alg.ods", sheet = "pros")
stoi <- read_ods("simple_alg.ods", sheet = "stoi")

This first model is a simple model with two state variables, which are declared in the vars data frame. The table needs to have at least three columns: name giving the identifier of the state variable, unit giving the used unit, and description giving a short description of the state variable. If additionally the column default is supplied the initial value will be included in the FABM control file (fabm.yaml), which is automatically generated by gen_fabm_code().

vars_t <- vars
vars_t$name <- paste0("$",vars_t$name, "$")
vars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", vars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(vars_t, caption="Data frame `vars`: Declaration of state variables.")

The models parameters are defined in the pars data frame in a similar fashion. They need the same three columns name, unit, and description and can have the aditional column default as well. Take care that FABM requires all parameters with relation to time to be in units of second.

pars_t <- pars
pars_t$name <- paste0("$",pars_t$name, "$")
pars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(pars_t, caption="Data frame `pars`: Declaration of model parameters.")

External functions, or forcing data that needs to be obtained from the physical host model (e.g. water temperature) are defined in funs. As this first model has no such functions or dependencies this is explaine in the later steps. As in this example the data frame is not needed it hast to be set to NULL.

The declaration of the processes and process rates is done in the pros data frame. It has four requred columns: name giving the name of the proicess, unit giving the unit of the process rate (again in seconds), description giving a short description of the process, and expression giving the mathematical expression of the process. There can be additional columns to define the saptial domain of the process, or to declare sinking processes and they will be explained later.

pros_t <- pros
pros_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("-", " - ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- paste0("$",pros_t$expression, "$")
kable(pros_t, caption="Data frame `pros`: Declaration of processes.")

In this model the phytoplankton have a simple linear growth term with a Monod like limitation for the limiting nutrient Phosphorus and a linear decay/death term.

The last data frame stoi gives the stoichiometry table (in long format) connecting the process rates with the state variables. It has three required columns: variable giving the variable affected by the process, and expression giving a factor to multiply the process rate by:

stoi_t <- stoi
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- paste0("$",stoi_t$expression, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- paste0("$",stoi_t$variable, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$variable, fixed = TRUE)
kable(stoi_t, caption="Data frame `stoi`: Declaration of stoichiometry matrix in long format.")

The growth of phytoplankton is increasing its concentration $C$ and decreasing the nutrient $HPO4$ by the fraction of $a_P$, which is the Phosphorus conten of the phytoplankton. Decay/death is decreasing phytoplankton concentration $C$.

Having declared all five data frames we can now generate the fortran code using gen_fabm_code(). This will also perfome some automated checks e.g. if all used parameters and state variables are also declared, and will issue a warning if the used units are not using seconds for time. It will also create the FABM control file fabm.yaml and insert the default values for parameters and initial values (if declared). If the argument diags is set to TRUE the process rates are stored as diagnostic variables in the output netcdf file.

# create the fabm code
gen_fabm_code(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, "model_1.f90", diags = TRUE)

After creating the fortran source code, GOTM-FABM can be automatically compiled unsing the function build_GOTM() (assuming the source code was allready fetched and prepared for compilation using clone_GOTM()), this will also copy the compiled executable to the current working directory, which then can be ran using e.g. system2("./gotm").

# build GOTM with the model
build_GOTM(build_dir = "build", src_dir = "gotm_src",
           fabm_file = "model_1.f90")

# run the model

We can now plot the model results e.g. using the plot_var() function:

# plot the variables
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_C")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_HPO4")

Getting dependencies from the host model

As many biogeochemical processes depend on external forcing, such as temperature or available iradiation, these values can be obtained from the physical host model. In the next step we want to add the dependency of phytoplankton growth on available iradiation. We first copy the prepared spread sheet and declare the data frames:

ods <- system.file("extdata/examples/simple_alg_par.ods",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = ods, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)

# declare data frames for vars, pars, funs, pros, and stoi
vars <- read_ods("simple_alg_par.ods", sheet = "vars")
pars <- read_ods("simple_alg_par.ods", sheet = "pars")
funs <- read_ods("simple_alg_par.ods", sheet = "funs")
pros <- read_ods("simple_alg_par.ods", sheet = "pros")
stoi <- read_ods("simple_alg_par.ods", sheet = "stoi")

We need to get values for the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) from GOTM. FABM has so called "standard-variables" with defined names (stored in the std_names_FABM data). If you want to access these variables you need to defind them as a function in the funs data frame and add the additional column dependency wich contains the full standard-variable name. The data frame funs has three required columns that are the same as in vars, and pars: name, unit, and description, additionally the column dependency. If you declare several functions of whome some are not dependencies the corresponding entry in column dependency needs to be empty (NA) for these and the corresponding standard-name for the ones that are dependencies.

funs_t <- funs
funs_t$name <- paste0("$",funs_t$name, "$")
funs_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", funs_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(funs_t, caption = paste0("Data frame `funs`: Declaration of model functions and dependencies ",
                               "from the host model."))

The declared functions/dependencies can now be used in the process expression, same as parameters and state variables. We added a Monod Term for light limitation in the growth process:

pros_t <- pros
pros_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("-", " - ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- paste0("$",pros_t$expression, "$")
kable(pros_t, caption="Data frame `pros`: Declaration of processes.")

For this we need to declare the additional parameter $K_par$ for the half-saturation irradiation in the pars data frame:

pars_t <- pars
pars_t$name <- paste0("$",pars_t$name, "$")
pars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(pars_t, caption="Data frame `pars`: Declaration of model parameters.")

Now we can generate the fortran code, compile GOTM-FABM, and run the adapted model.

# create the fabm code
gen_fabm_code(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, "model_2.f90", diags = TRUE)

# build GOTM with the model
build_GOTM(build_dir = "build", src_dir = "gotm_src",
           fabm_file = "model_2.f90")

# run the model

And plot some of the simulated state variables:

# plot the variables
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_C")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_HPO4")

From the saved process rates (the diagnostic variables) we can e.g. plot the net growth rate. We can acces the values stored in the netcdf file e.g. by using the function get_var() and plot them using plot3D::image2D():


# also plot net. growth
growth <- get_var("output.nc", "rodeo_growth")
death <- get_var("output.nc", "rodeo_death")
net_growth <- growth$var - death$var
# nice colors
mycol <- colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, 'Spectral')))
# plot the net. growth
image2D(net_growth, growth$time, growth$z, main = "net. growth", col = mycol(100), xaxt = "n",
        xlab = "Date", ylab = "Depth below surface (m)")
axis(1, at = pretty(growth$time), labels = FALSE)
text(pretty(growth$time), par("usr")[3] - 3, labels = format(pretty(growth$time), "%Y.%m.%d"),
     xpd = NA, srt = 336, adj = 0.0, cex = 0.8)


Often in biogeochemical models some state variables are sinking in the water body (e.g. phytoplankton or particulated organic matter). In the next adaptation of the model we want to include a constant sinking velocity for the phytoplankton. Therefore, we again copy the spread sheets from the package data in order to declare the data frames:

ods <- system.file("extdata/examples/simple_alg_par_sed.ods",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = ods, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)

# declare data frames for vars, pars, funs, pros, and stoi
vars <- read_ods("simple_alg_par_sed.ods", sheet = "vars")
pars <- read_ods("simple_alg_par_sed.ods", sheet = "pars")
funs <- read_ods("simple_alg_par_sed.ods", sheet = "funs")
pros <- read_ods("simple_alg_par_sed.ods", sheet = "pros")
stoi <- read_ods("simple_alg_par_sed.ods", sheet = "stoi")

FABM allows for time varying sinking of state variables. This in implemented in rodeoFABM as a process declared in the pros data frame that has a logical flag set in an additional column called sedi. The expression for this can also be a function of external dependencies (e.g. water density) or internal state variables (e.g. nutrient concentration), in this simple case we choose a constant sinking velocity:

pros_t <- pros
pros_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("-", " - ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- paste0("$",pros_t$expression, "$")
kable(pros_t, caption="Data frame `pros`: Declaration of processes.")

For this to work we need to declare the additional parameter for the sinking velocity:

pars_t <- pars
pars_t$name <- paste0("$",pars_t$name, "$")
pars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(pars_t, caption="Data frame `pars`: Declaration of model parameters.")

And add the process to the stopichiometry table:

stoi_t <- stoi
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- paste0("$",stoi_t$expression, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- paste0("$",stoi_t$variable, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$variable, fixed = TRUE)
kable(stoi_t, caption="Data frame `stoi`: Declaration of stoichiometry matrix in long format.")

Now we can create the FORTRAN source code file, compile GOTM-FABM, run the model, and plot some of the results:

# create the fabm code
gen_fabm_code(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, "model_3.f90")

# build GOTM with the model
build_GOTM(build_dir = "build", src_dir = "gotm_src",
           fabm_file = "model_3.f90")

# run the model

# plot the variables
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_C")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_HPO4")

# also plot net. growth
growth <- get_var("output.nc", "rodeo_growth")
death <- get_var("output.nc", "rodeo_death")
net_growth <- growth$var - death$var

image2D(net_growth, growth$time, growth$z, main = "net. growth", col = mycol(100), xaxt = "n",
        xlab = "Date", ylab = "Depth below surface (m)")
axis(1, at = pretty(growth$time), labels = FALSE)
text(pretty(growth$time), par("usr")[3] - 3, labels = format(pretty(growth$time), "%Y.%m.%d"),
     xpd = NA, srt = 336, adj = 0.0, cex = 0.8)

Processes at the surface and sediment

There are some processes that only take place at the surface or bottom (sediment) of lakes. FABM knows three spatial domains: open water (pelagial), surface, and bottom (sediment) and processes can be declared to only take place at one of these domaines. To demonstrate this we add the new state variable Oxygen along with the processes of surface exchange and a constant oxygen consumption in the sediment to the model. We again start by copying the spread sheet from the package data:

ods <- system.file("extdata/examples/simple_alg_O2.ods",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = ods, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)
# read in first simple model
vars <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2.ods", sheet = "vars")
pars <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2.ods", sheet = "pars")
funs <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2.ods", sheet = "funs")
pros <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2.ods", sheet = "pros")
stoi <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2.ods", sheet = "stoi")

Here we added the new state variable $O2$ to the vars data frame:

vars_t <- vars
vars_t$name <- paste0("$",vars_t$name, "$")
vars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", vars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(vars_t, caption="Data frame `vars`: Declaration of state variables.")

If processes occure only at the surface or bottom interface we can declare this by setting a logical flag in additional columns in the pros data frame called bot and surf. We have two new processes O2_exch, and O2_cons and the flags in the corresponding columns are set to TRUE:

pros_t <- pros
pros_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("-", " - ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$unit <- gsub("^", "\\^{}", pros_t$unit, fixed = TRUE)

pros_t$expression <- paste0("$",pros_t$expression, "$")
print(xtable(pros_t, caption="Data frame `pros`: Declaration of processes."),
      size="\\fontsize{4.5pt}{5pt}\\selectfont", type = "latex",table.placement = "!h",

We declared the additional parameters for the oxygen exchange velocity, the constant consumption in the sediment, and the half-saturation concentration of oxygen limiting the oxygen consumption in the sediment:

pars_t <- pars
pars_t$name <- paste0("$",pars_t$name, "$")
pars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(pars_t, caption="Data frame `pars`: Declaration of model parameters.")

We also declared the used functions $log$, and $exp$, as well as the external dependencies $p$ (the barometric pressure at the surface), and $Temp$ (water temperature) which are needed to calculate the oxygen saturation concentration:

funs_t <- funs
funs_t$name <- paste0("$",funs_t$name, "$")
funs_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", funs_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(funs_t, caption = paste0("Data frame `funs`: Declaration of model functions and dependencies ",
                               "from the host model."))

And added the new processes to the stoichiometry table:

stoi_t <- stoi
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- paste0("$",stoi_t$expression, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- paste0("$",stoi_t$variable, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$variable, fixed = TRUE)
kable(stoi_t, caption="Data frame `stoi`: Declaration of stoichiometry matrix in long format.")

We can generate the source code, compile GOTM-FABM, run the model, and plot some of the results using:

# create the fabm code
gen_fabm_code(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, "model_4.f90")

# build GOTM with the model
build_GOTM(build_dir = "build", src_dir = "gotm_src",
           fabm_file = "model_4.f90")

# run the model

# plot the variables
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_C")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_HPO4")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_O2")

Sediment or surface attached state variables{#final_model}

As mentioned before FABM recognizes three spatial domains: open water, surface, and sediment. Like Processes, state variables can also be attached to one of these domaines (e.g. sedimented particulated organic matter). To demonstrate this feature we will include two more state variables in our model; particulated organic matter ($POM$) and sedimented particulated organic matter ($SPOM$). Again we need to copy the spread sheet from the package:

ods <- system.file("extdata/examples/simple_alg_O2_POM.ods",
                   package = "rodeoFABM")
file.copy(from = ods, to = ".", recursive = TRUE)

# read in first simple model
vars <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "vars")
pars <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "pars")
funs <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "funs")
pros <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "pros")
stoi <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "stoi")

We added the two new state variables $POM$ and $SPOM$ and declared $SPOM$ as bottom bound state variable by adding another column to the vars data frame called bot and set it to $TRUE$ for all bottom bound state variables and to $NA$ (empty) or $FALSE$ for all others. Surface bound state variables can be declared in the same manner using a column named surf.


vars_t <- vars[,colnames(vars)!="tex"]
vars_t$name <- paste0("$",vars_t$name, "$")
vars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", vars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(vars_t, caption="Data frame `vars`: Declaration of state variables.")

Looking at the stoichiometry table we can see that the death of algae generates $POM$, which settles down, and sediments to the ground to become $SPOM$. Both $POM$ and $SPOM$ are mineralized, releasing $HPO4$ but the mineralization is faster in the sediment (see pars table). We added the new sinking, sedimentation, and mineralization processes to the pros data frame:

pros_t <- pros[,colnames(pros)!="tex"]
pros_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("-", " - ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pros_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
pros_t$unit <- gsub("^", "\\^{}", pros_t$unit, fixed = TRUE)

pros_t$expression <- paste0("$",pros_t$expression, "$")
print(xtable(pros_t, caption="Data frame `pros`: Declaration of processes."),
      size = "\\fontsize{4.5pt}{5pt}\\selectfont", type = "latex",table.placement = "!h",

And we adapted the stoichiometry table:

stoi_t <- stoi
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("*", " \\cdot ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("+", " + ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("/", " / ", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$expression, fixed = TRUE)
stoi_t$expression <- paste0("$",stoi_t$expression, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- paste0("$",stoi_t$variable, "$")
stoi_t$variable <- gsub("_", "\\_", stoi_t$variable, fixed = TRUE)
kable(stoi_t, caption="Data frame `stoi`: Declaration of stoichiometry matrix in long format.")

We declared the new parameters for the sinking velocity, the mineralization kinetic, and the half-saturation concentration limiting the mineralization:

pars_t <- pars[,colnames(pars)!="tex"]
pars_t$name <- paste0("$",pars_t$name, "$")
pars_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", pars_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
kable(pars_t, caption="Data frame `pars`: Declaration of model parameters.")

We can create fortran source code, compile GOTM-FABM, run the model, and plot the results using:

# create the fabm code
gen_fabm_code(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, "model_5.f90")

# build GOTM with the model
build_GOTM(build_dir = "build", src_dir = "gotm_src",
           fabm_file = "model_5.f90")

# run the model

# plot the variables
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_C")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_HPO4")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_O2")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_POM")
plot_var("output.nc", "rodeo_SPOM")

Additional features

State variable arguments

There are a few additional arguments for state variables that can be defined in FABM. In order to use them a new column in the state variable data frame needs to be added with exactly the name.

Initial values for the state variables

By default the initial values for the FABM sate variables are constant throughout the whole profile. With some tinkering we can set any profide we want as the initial values. Therefore, we need to have (a) text file(s) with (the) profiles that you want to initialise and install the R packages ncdf4, data.table, gotmtools from the AEMON-J github. The approach is to first run GOTM with 0 time steps (stop date = start date). After a run with GOTM, a restart.nc file is created, that can be use to restart a simulation with the same settings that ended the previous simulation. By running with 0 time steps, this file contains the "standard" initial values, including the ones in out biogeochemical model. Then we need to replaces the homogeneous initial profiles in the restart.nc file by our specified profiles using the ncdf4 librarie. Lastly, we need to set the restart option in the gotm.yaml file to "true". If we run gotm now, it will run with the initial profiles for our biogeochemical model (note that we'll have to rerun this approach every time before we want to run GOTM, because every new GOTM run overwrites the restart.nc file). Alternatively we can save the created restart.nc file e.g. as restart_init_profiles.nc and use this file to override the restart.nc before we run GOTM.

Defining own functions

Defining functions in the funs data frame

It is possible to define our own functions and call them. If the function is simple i.e. can be calculated in one line of code (e.g. limiting functions for algae growth) it can be defined from the expressions column of the pros data frame. In order to define own functions two additional columns are needed in the funs data frame: expression and arguments. Similar to the pros data frame the expression column gives the mathematical expression to calculate. The arguments column gives all input arguments that the functions uses, in the same order they are supplied during function calls (e.g. in the expression column of the pros data frame), separated by commas (",").

Using this we could e.g. implement the monod function $f_{monod} = \frac{C}{C + K}$ by changing the funs data frame to:

funs <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "funs")
funs <- rbind(funs, data.frame(name = "f_monod",
                               unit = "-",
                               description = "Monod funciton",
                               dependency = "",
                               tex = "f_{monod}"))
funs$dependency[4:6] <- ""
funs$expression <- NA
funs$arguments <- NA
funs[6, 6:7] <- c("C/(C + K)", "C, K")
funs_t <- funs[, -5]
funs_t$name <- paste0("$",funs_t$name, "$")
funs_t$name <- gsub("_", "\\_", funs_t$name, fixed = TRUE)
funs_t$unit[1] <- "W/m$^2$"
funs_t$dependency <- paste0("$",funs_t$dependency, "$")
funs_t$dependency <- gsub("_", "\\_", funs_t$dependency, fixed = TRUE)
funs <- read_ods("simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", sheet = "funs")
print(xtable(funs_t, caption = paste0("Data frame `funs`: Declaration of model functions and ",
                               "dependencies from the host model.")),
      size = "\\fontsize{5.5pt}{4pt}\\selectfont", type = "latex",table.placement = "!h",

Now we can use the function in the expression column of the pros data frame e.g. by replacing:

C · mu_max · HP O4/(HP O4 + K_P ) · par/(par + K_par) with

C · mu_max · f_monod(HPO4, K_P · f_monod(par, K_par)

in the expression column of the growth of algae.

Defining functions in external fortran files

More complex functions can be supplied as external fortran code. Two additional columns are needed in the funs data frame: file and module. They give the name of the source code file and the name of the module, which is then loaded in the main source code. This feature is still experimental and might lead to errors!

Automatic model documentation

If wanted rodeoFABM can automatically generate LaTeX documentation of the state variables, parameter, processes and stoichometry. To do so the function document_model() can be used. Lets create a documentation of the final phytoplankton nutrients model from our example. In order to work we need an additional column named tex (you can also use another name for this column and supply the name to document_model() using the tex argument) in the data frames vars, pars, funs, and pros giving the corresponding LaTeX symbols to be used. The documentation function automatically generates LaTeX fraction, but in order for this to work all used fractions in the expression column of the pros data frame need to be in a specified format. The numerator and denominator need to be in brakets, even if they are just one single variable, number, or parameter: e.g. (O2)/(O2 + K_O2). In the example spread sheet file they are allready added:

# see column "tex"
# create LaTeX documentation for our model
document_model(vars, pars, pros, funs, stoi, landscape = FALSE)

We can see that now there are seven additional file in our worling directory:

grep(".*\\.tex", list.files(), value = TRUE)

They are LaTeX tables of the models state variables (tab_vars.tex), used model parameters (tab_pars.tex), used functions (tab_funs.tex), declaration of the models processes (tab_pros.tex), description of the process equations (pros_expr.tex), the stoichiometry table (tab_stoi.tex), and a simple latex document that can be used to compile all of the before (document_model.tex).

The created expressions of the processes now look like this:




and compiled they look like this:

# Reset work folder
# delete files
unlink(c("build","gotm_src"), recursive = TRUE)
file.remove(c("gotm", "simple_alg_O2_POM.ods", "simple_alg_O2.ods", "simple_alg_par.ods",
              "simple_alg_par_sed.ods", "tab_vars.tex", "tab_pars.tex", "tab_funs.tex", "tab_pros.tex",
              "tab_stoi.tex", "pros_expr.tex", "document_model.tex", "funs_expr.tex",
              "mat_stoi.tex", "simple_alg.ods"))


JFeldbauer/rodeoFABM documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 11:41 a.m.