
#' An Interactive Dashboard for Exploring GCAM Scenario Data
#' The GCAM-LAC Dashboard is a scenario explorer for GCAM, with a focus on Latin
#' America and the Caribbean.  Its purpose is to provide a way to give users a
#' quick view of the data in a collection of scenarios.  You can get a listing
#' of the scenarios in a data set and the queries available for each scenario,
#' or available jointly for a collection of scenarios.  You can plot the queries
#' for a single scenario in a map view or over time, or you can plot the
#' difference in output values between two scenarios in either of the same two
#' @section Usage:
#' To run the GCAM Dashboard, from the R command console enter
#' \code{gcamlacdash::run()}.
#' \subsection{Uploading Data}{
#' The GCAM-LAC Dashboard gets its data from the project data files created by
#' the \code{\link[rgcam]{rgcam}} package.  Add one or more GCAM scenarios to a
#' project data file using that package.  In the top right of the app's display
#' you will see the name of the current file loaded, and a button for uploading
#' your own project file. By default, the dashboard comes with several data sets
#' pre-loaded.  To upload your own data file, click the upload file button, and
#' then the 'Browse...' button.  Select your project file using the file
#' explorer, and it will be uploaded into the app.  If the upload is successful,
#' the file upload panel will show the name of the data file and the scenarios
#' contained in it.
#' }
#' \subsection{Plotting maps}{
#' Switch to the Maps tab.  The control panel at the right of the display has
#' widgets for selecting a scenario to plot and a query to plot.  Select the
#' scenario and query you wish to plot, and the map will be updated.  The
#' 'Extent' option allows you to view different regions of the world (global, or
#' several regions of interest).  If your data set includes spatial (gridded)
#' data, another option will appear to change the background regions shown on
#' the map.
#' At the bottom of the map there is a slider bar selects the year to plot.
#' }
#' \subsection{Exploring data in greater detail}{
#' The Explore tab provides a view of the query variable over time.  Above the
#' bar is a selector box labeled 'Break totals into subcategories by:', which
#' allows you to change the bar plot into a stacked bar plot, with the elements
#' making up the stack coming from the variable you select.  To change which
#' variable is selected, use the 'Plot Variable' dropdown in the top right.
#' Below are controls for choosing and comparing scenarios.  The option to 'Add
#' Difference Scenario' allows you to see the change in values from one scenario
#' against another. Clicking that checkbox creates a second dropdown from which
#' you can select a second scenario. To compare more than one scenario, use the
#' 'Compare Scenarios' tab.
#' Filtering can be applied by using the panel to the right of the plot.  By
#' default, only the Latin America and Caribbean GCAM regions are selected, but
#' you may explore other world regions as well.  Simply select or deselect the
#' countries you wish to view, and the plot will update automatically.
#' For any variation of the bar chart, the values of each bar can be seen by
#' hovering over the bar or segment of a bar of interest.  To view the dataset
#' as a whole, click the 'View as Table' button.  This brings up a table of all
#' of the data currently being plotted, with options to search and filter the
#' raw dataset. The entire unfiltered dataset can be downloaded as a .csv file
#' with the 'Download' button located beneath the table.
#' }
#' \subsection{Comparing multiple scenarios}{
#' The Compare Scenarios tab is useful if you wish to see plots of different
#' scenarios side-by-side.  Like the other tabs, it allows you to choose a
#' specific variable to plot, but this time for multiple scenarios at once.  To
#' add or remove scenarios, choose them from the 'Selected Scenarios' dropdown,
#' or click on one and press delete.
#' }


#' Run the GCAM-LAC dashboard
#' @export
run <- function() {
  shiny::runApp(system.file('app', package='gcamlacdash'))
JGCRI/GCAM-LAC-dashboard documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:42 p.m.