create_xml: The basis to start a pipeline to convert data to an XML file.

View source: R/xml.R

create_xmlR Documentation

The basis to start a pipeline to convert data to an XML file.


This method simply requires the name to save the XML file as and optionally the model interface "header" file that defines the transformation lookup to go from tabular data to hierarchical. The result of this function should be used in a dplyr pipeline with one or more calls to add_xml_data to add the data to convert and finally ending with run_xml_conversion to run the conversion. Please see the wiki for more details


create_xml(xml_file, mi_header = NULL)



The file name to save the XML file to


The model interface "header" file name. This will default to the one included in this package


A "data structure" to hold the various parts needed to run the model interface CSV to XML conversion.

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.