fill_exp_decay_extrapolate: fill_exp_decay_extrapolate

fill_exp_decay_extrapolateR Documentation



Takes a wide format tibble with years as columns, coverts to long format, and ensures values are filled in for all out_years using the following rules: - Linearly interpolated for missing values that have end points - Extrapolated using an exponential decay function paramaterized by the columns improvement.rate and improvement.max using the following formulation v_0*max+(v_0-v_0*max)*(1-rate)^(y-y_0) - For rows that specify a char value in the column exponential decay will be calculated on the difference between the values calculated by left joining with itself on the column with the column technology. In other words for shadowing technologies the decay is only applied to the difference in the values in the last year in which one was specified. This is to allow for instance a Gas CC plant to have cost reductions at a moderate pace but a Gas CC+CCS can have rapid cost reductions to the CCS portion of the cost.


fill_exp_decay_extrapolate(d, out_years)



The wide format tibble with values under year columns that will be filled to ensure the given years are present using the rules mentioned above.


A vector of integers specifying which years must have values in the output data.


The filled out data set in long format. The years will be in the year column and will include all values in out_years and the filled in values will be in the value column. All extrapolation parameters will be cleaned out.


Pralit Patel

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.