runQueries: Run the input list of queries against a GCAM output database.

Description Usage Arguments Details


Run all of the queries in the input list against the specified database. The result will be returned as a list of data frames.


runQueries(qlist, dbloc, dbfile, scenario = NULL)



Character vector of titles of queries to run.


Name of the directory containing the database.


Name of the database


Name of the scenario to query


The dbloc, and dbfile arguments give the location and name of the database. The scenario argument is passed directly to runQuery, and so has the same options as the corresponding argument of that function. Notably, passing NULL will cause the last scenario in the database, irrespective of its name, to be retrieved.

The input query list is a list of query titles. These will be looked up in the list of query strings parsed by parseQueries. Therefore, it is an error to call this function without first calling that one. It is similarly an error to include in the query list a query that wasn't parsed in the call to parseQueries.

JGCRI/iamrpt documentation built on June 30, 2019, 3:19 a.m.