
#' Import and clean NOAA data for use in analytics and visualization
#' This function will be used to import and clean NOAA data for further
#' analysis. While it is possible that this will be called by the usuer, it is
#' more likely the case that this function will be used in future functions that
#' produced a more valuable output than the cleaned data itself. As is
#' common this function uses the \code{tidyverse} packages. Normally the author prefers
#' the \code{data.table} package for speed, however, the NOAA set is very small
#' and users will more likely be familiar with \code{tidyverse} syntax.  See
#' \code{https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/nndc/struts/results?&t=101650&s=225&d=225}
#' for data defintions.NOAA data goes back in history thousands of years. For
#' this reason their raw data contains negative and positive years, the sign
#' indicating the B.C vs A.D respectively.
#' @param dataframe A \code{data.frame} of dirty NOAA data that has been read in
#' already. This argument is ignored if the \code{file} argument is provided. File
#' is the more compact method of cleaning data as it does the import directly.
#' @param file A character for the file that contains the 'dirty' data. This
#'   requires the full path if not in the working director. If a vector is given
#'   multiple data sets will be produced.
#' @param dayfill A number indicating day of the month to use for missing data.
#' The missing data is common for old earthquakes for which data is not possible.
#' The default is to pick the first of the month.
#' @param monthfill A number indicating the month to use for missing data.
#' The missing data is common for old earthquakes for which data is not possible.
#' The default is to pick July; middle of the year.
#' @param delim A character string, dictating how the dirty data file is
#'   delimited. This control is passed directly into the \code{delim} argument
#'   of \code{readr::read_delim}. Currently NOAA data is stored in tab
#'   delimited, hence the default equal to \code{"\t"}. This paratmeter is
#'   really a future proofing if NOAA changes or if the user has internal data
#'   collection that intermediately copies the data into a different delimited
#'   format. Non delimited file types are not supported.
#' @param ... This can be used primarily to pass arguments to the support
#' functions imported from other packages:
#' @importFrom readr read_delim
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #for a file from NOAA, simply point machine to file and the data.frame will return
#' eq_clean_data(file="datafromnoaa.txt")
#' #if you have imported the data and just want it cleaned per the standard of this package
#' data<-read.delim("file.csv")
#' eq_clean_data(dataframe=data)
#' }



  #Fill in missing data for day and month with the parameters passed

  #Create a full date column from components
  #Move Date near Date fields

  #Rip the country name out of the Location name and camel case it
  #Depended on assumption that ":  " will separates Country and Location
  #Assignment required this to be a second function; thus you must look at the other code for documentation.

  #Reclass classes we need as classes

JJNewkirk/NOAAEQ documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:12 p.m.