
This evaluation will be a function by function evaluation with an overall analysis at the end. The data will be conducted using a condensed dataset of 100 observations, and in instances where that condensed dataset fails, then the whole dataset will be used.

Function by Function definition

* keyword.corpus() &

First we will use the two given functions to generate two smaller datasets. Additionally, we will generate a third random dataset of 100 documents to evaluate the functions. This will allow us to ensure that we are using the functions on a variety of inputs and generating appropriate outputs without errors.

###Random 100 articles
condensed <- July_Articles[sample(x = July_Articles$ArticleNo, size = 100, replace = F),]

## keyword Corpus
hurricane <- keyword.corpus(July_Articles, keyword = "hurricane")

### date time corpus

july4th <-, = "4july2017", = "4july2017")

This generates 3 different datasets.

* word.Assocs()

tryCatch(word.Assocs(condensed, "trump", corlimit = 0.6),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(word.Assocs(hurricane, "hurricane", corlimit = 0.6),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(word.Assocs(july4th, "president", corlimit = 0.6),
         error = function(e) e)

The output that should occur is a time series line plot of words associated with the term. However, an error occurs and no plot is generated. Copying the example from the function call shows

tic("Word Association from example")
tryCatch(word.Assocs(July_Articles, "hurricane", 0.6),
         error = function(e) e)

However, another error message is generated.


tryCatch(, 200),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(, 200),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(, 200),
         error = function(e) e)

This function also generates an error for 2 of the 3 data sets when calculating. Both of the two that failed could be related to a small dataset size of r nrow(condensed) and r nrow(hurricane). The july4th dataset consists of r nrow(july4th) which is a relatively larger dataset.

Using the entire dataset results in the following:

tic("bigram network condensed")
tryCatch(, 200),
         error = function(e) e)

This generates the network diagram of the associated bigrams. This plot generates a hard to read network diagram and also takes a significant time to calculate.

* corp.plot()

This is intended to generate a line plot for the number of documents gathered per day.

         error = function(e) e)

         error = function(e) e)

         error = function(e) e)

As the line plot shows, this graph generates quickly and looks to be accurate. The message for the July 4th dataset follows due to it consisting of datasets from only one day.


This is intended to generate a network graph of the most correlated word pairs down to a user defined corlimit

tryCatch(, corlimit = 0.6),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(, corlimit = 0.75),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(, corlimit = 0.55),
         error = function(e) e)

The condensed dataset again fails. Using a small dataset like this generates issues, but the other two generated plotsthat made sense provided insight into which words were most commonly used together. This is useful and in line with the expected output.

tic("corpus line plot")
tryCatch(, corlimit = 0.6),
         error = function(e) e)

This generates correctly, however with such a large dataset the plots are generally difficult to view and understand. Using the keyword or is critical to providing good insight into the data.

* `kwsearch()

This function should generate a line graph with the number of times that the chosen key word is found on each day.

tryCatch(kwsearch(condensed, "president"),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(kwsearch(hurricane, "hurricane"),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(kwsearch(july4th, "hurricane"),
         error = function(e) e)

This function generates 3 different line plots and again identifies that the July 4th dataset only plots one data point because it consists of only one day's worth of data.

* `ngram.print()

This function should generate a table of associated n-grams.

tryCatch(ngram.print(condensed, ngram = 2, num = 10),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(ngram.print(hurricane, ngram = 2, num = 10),
         error = function(e) e)

tryCatch(ngram.print(july4th, ngram = 2, num = 10),
         error = function(e) e)

These plots and tables are useful outputs and follow from the generated table outputting to an equivalently sized bar chart in the plot. This data seems to be useful for the next step of merging terms.

* `mergeTerms()

This can take the output from before and merge or remove terms deemed irrelevant. For example, "Thomson" appears to be a journalist for the "Reuters" news network. Therefore, we can eliminate his name since we do not need it for analysis.

condensed1 <- mergeTerms(condensed, term = "Thomson", term.replacement = "")

hurricane1 <- mergeTerms(hurricane, term = "Thomson", term.replacement = "")

july4th1 <- mergeTerms(july4th, term = "Thomson", term.replacement = "")

We can check if this worked by doing a keyword search using that term

kwsearch(condensed1, "Thomson")

kwsearch(hurricane1, "Thomson")

kwsearch(july4th1, "Thomson")

We see that there are no occurrences of that term in the corpus. Therefore, the function appears to work.

Overall Analysis

Overall, this package performs a number of valuable functions such as generating a smaller dataset based on keywords or a date range. Additionally, the correlation network and n-gram networks provide useful information about how words are paired together to relay information. Unfortunately, a few functions returned errors on function calls that should have evaluated properly. Additionally, these errors were not clear as to what caused the issue or provided recommendations on how to fix.

Another point for improvement would be the lack of a vignette or overall package documentation to explain the package. I had to use a lot of trial and error to understand the functions and which order to apply the functions to gain the most understanding of the data.

Overall Grade: 45/50

While the package works on the whole, a few functions generate errors that are not clear as to why the errors are present. These errors seem relatively easy to correct and the package can be installed and without those features until they're corrected.

JSmith146/CoRpEx documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:11 p.m.