#Read in the different packages used in the model

#read in data
FC <- readr::read_csv("J:/AFIT ENV GEM 17M/Buyer, Joseph/THESIS/R Model/FAC and CAT.csv")
FC <- mutate_each(FC, funs(toupper))
basic.cats <- readr::read_csv("J:/AFIT ENV GEM 17M/Buyer, Joseph/THESIS/R Model/Basic Categories.csv")
cat.groups <- readr::read_csv("J:/AFIT ENV GEM 17M/Buyer, Joseph/THESIS/R Model/Category Group.csv")
fac.classes <- readr::read_csv("J:/AFIT ENV GEM 17M/Buyer, Joseph/THESIS/R Model/Facility Class.csv")

Inputs {.sidebar}

#Create and define the different inputs and buttons used in the app
  selectInput(inputId = "class", label = "Choose how to display results",
              choices = c("Facility Class (1 digit)","Category Group (2 digit)","Basic Category (3 digit)"),selected = "Basic Category (3 digit)")


  textInput(inputId = "keyWord", label = "Keyword", placeholder = "Type keywords here")

  actionButton(inputId = "action", label = "Add Word")
  div(style="display:inline-block", actionButton(inputId = "reset", label = "Clear"))

  rv <- reactiveValues(words = data.frame(NULL))

# When the Submit button is clicked, save the input form data
observeEvent(input$action, {

       rv$words <- data.frame(input$keyWord, stringsAsFactors = F),
       rv$words <- data.frame(c(rv$words,input$keyWord), stringsAsFactors = F))


observeEvent(input$reset, {
  rv$words <- data.frame(NULL)

Row {data-width=650} {.tabset .tabset-fade}

CATCODEs and FAC Codes with Titles and Descriptions

#Code chunk that displays table showing real property data

keyword2 <- paste(toupper(as.vector(unlist(rv$words))), collapse = '|')

FC3 <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:nrow(FC[,3]), FUN = function(x) grepl(keyword2, FC[x,3])))
FC4 <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:nrow(FC[,3]), FUN = function(x) grepl(keyword2, FC[x,4])))

either <- as.numeric(FC3==1) + as.numeric(FC4==1)

DT::datatable(FC[which(either > 0),], options = list(searchHighlight = TRUE), rownames = F, fillContainer = T) 

Model Results

#Code chunk that displays the model results by user-chosen grouping

keyword2 <- paste(toupper(as.vector(unlist(rv$words))), collapse = '|')

FC3 <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:nrow(FC[,3]), FUN = function(x) grepl(keyword2, FC[x,3])))
FC4 <- unlist(lapply(X = 1:nrow(FC[,3]), FUN = function(x) grepl(keyword2, FC[x,4])))

either <- as.numeric(FC3==1) + as.numeric(FC4==1)

basic.cats <- subset(basic.cats, basic.cats[,3] > 0)
cat.groups <- subset(cat.groups, cat.groups[,3] > 0)
fac.classes <- subset(fac.classes, fac.classes[,3] > 0)

for(i in 1:nrow(basic.cats))
  basic.cats[i,4] <- sum(substr(data.frame(FC[which(either > 0),])[,1],1,3)%in%basic.cats[i,1])
  basic.cats[i,6] <- percent(as.numeric(basic.cats[i,4])/as.numeric(basic.cats[i,3]))

for(i in 1:nrow(cat.groups))
  cat.groups[i,4] <- sum(substr(data.frame(FC[which(either > 0),])[,1],1,2)%in%cat.groups[i,1])
  cat.groups[i,6] <- percent(as.numeric(cat.groups[i,4])/as.numeric(cat.groups[i,3]))

for(i in 1:nrow(fac.classes))
  fac.classes[i,4] <- sum(substr(data.frame(FC[which(either > 0),])[,1],1,1)%in%fac.classes[i,1])
  fac.classes[i,6] <- percent(as.numeric(fac.classes[i,4])/as.numeric(fac.classes[i,3]))

basic.cats$`Core Msn Key Words Count` = NULL
cat.groups$`Core Msn Key Words Count` = NULL
fac.classes$`Core Msn Key Words Count` = NULL

results <- switch(as.character(input$class),
"Facility Class (1 digit)" = fac.classes,
"Category Group (2 digit)" = cat.groups,
"Basic Category (3 digit)" = basic.cats)

              rownames = FALSE, 
              options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))),
              fillContainer = T
              ) %>% DT::formatStyle(
                "Percent Considered Core",
                color = 'red',
                fontWeight = 'bold'

Row {data-height=250}

Selected Keywords

# Table that shows all previous user input keywords
# (update with current response when Submit is clicked)

  DT::datatable(data.frame(unlist(rv$words), stringsAsFactors = F), 
                rownames = F, colnames = 'Used Words', 
                fillContainer = T, 
                caption = htmltools::tags$caption(
                  'This table shows all the ', htmltools::em('keywords'), ' that are in use')


JSmith146/CoRpEx documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:11 p.m.