ft: Generic method for F-tests.

ftR Documentation

Generic method for F-tests.


A method is implemented for all the mmi model classes. A method is also implemented for the family class. In that case the method is basically a loop over all models stored in the family and then the method for the model is called for each model element. If the method is called on a model object a tidy tibble will be set up with the result for the treatment or the treatment levels. If the method is called on a family object individual tibbles will be set up for each model element which will then be binded together in a map-reduce pattern.



## S3 method for class 'mmi_lm'

## S3 method for class 'mmi_lmm'

## S3 method for class 'fam'



Either an mmi model object or an mmi model family object.


Will loop through all treatment variables and fit null models for them. This is done using update methods for the model fit if that works (depends on how the model fit is implemented), otherwise it's done by using update on the formula. P values are then computed using appropriate functions for each model class. For mmi_lmm objects KRmodcomp Kenward-Rogers F-test are used.

Methods (by class)

  • mmi_lm: Performs a F test for the lm object in the slot fit and sets up a tibble for the result.

  • mmi_lmm: Performs a F test for the lmerMod object in the slot fit using a KRmodcomp Kenward-Rogers F-test and sets up a tibble with the result.

  • fam: Loops over all model elements in the family and does a ft test for each, if defined; tidy tibbles with this information will then be binded together. Also computes the FDR-adjusted significance level.

JacobBergstedt/mmi documentation built on March 8, 2024, 8:25 a.m.