View source: R/oneStepPredict_deltaModel.R
oneStepPredict_deltaModel | R Documentation |
is a wrapper for oneStepPredict
for distributions with a mixture of discrete and continuous distributions
oneStepPredict_deltaModel(obj,, deltaSupport = 0, ...)
obj |
Output from | |
Character naming the observation in the template. |
deltaSupport |
integer-vector, listing values that have a dirac-delta within an otherwise continuous distribution |
... |
list of arguments to pass to |
It is convenient to compute one-step-ahead residuals for data that arise as a mixture of continuous and discrete distributions.
One common example is a delta-model, which arises as a mixture of an encounter probability and a continuous distribution for
biomass given an encounter. In these cases, it is possible to apply oneStepPredict
twice, once for
observations falling within the continuous domain, and again for observations in the discrete domain, and then combining the two.
This function provides an example of doing so. It is designed to use the 'method="cdf"' feature in oneStepPredict
This example also shows a proof-of-concept for uniform residuals under a (sufficiently-close-to) correctly specified model.
the standard output from oneStepPredict
## Not run:
library(INLA) # FROM:
# Poisson-link gamma distribution
# n = numbers density
# w = weight-per-number
# cv = CV of gamma
dpoislinkgamma = function(x, n, w, cv){
pow = function(a,b) a^b
enc_prob = 1 - exp(-n)
posmean = n * w / enc_prob
if( x==0 ){
dens = 1 - enc_prob
dens = enc_prob * dgamma(x, shape=pow(cv,-2), scale=posmean*pow(cv,2))
if(log==FALSE) return(dens)
if(log==TRUE) return(log(dens))
ppoislinkgamma = function(x, n, w, cv){
pow = function(a,b) a^b
enc_prob = 1 - exp(-n)
posmean = n * w / enc_prob
dist = 1 - enc_prob
if( x>0 ){
posmean = n*w
dist = dist + enc_prob * pgamma(x, shape=pow(cv,-2), scale=posmean*pow(cv,2))
rpoislinkgamma = function(n, w, cv){
pow = function(a,b) a^b
enc_prob = 1 - exp(-n)
posmean = n * w / enc_prob
enc = rbinom(n=1, prob=enc_prob, size=1)
x = enc * rgamma(n=1, shape=pow(cv,-2), scale=posmean*pow(cv,2))
# Simulate data
Dim = c("n_x"=10, "n_y"=10)
loc_xy = expand.grid("x"=1:Dim['n_x'], "y"=1:Dim['n_y'])
Scale = 2
Sigma2 = (0.5) ^ 2
beta0 = 1
w = 1
cv = 0.1
# Simulate spatial process
RMmodel = RMgauss(var=Sigma2, scale=Scale)
epsilon_xy = array(RFsimulate(model=RMmodel, x=loc_xy[,'x'], y=loc_xy[,'y'])@data[,1], dim=Dim)
# Simulate samples
c_xy = array(NA, dim=dim(epsilon_xy))
for(x in 1:nrow(c_xy)){
for(y in 1:ncol(c_xy)){
c_xy[x,y] = rpoislinkgamma( n=exp(beta0 + epsilon_xy[x,y]), w=w, cv=cv )
#' ###################
#' # SPDE-based
# create mesh
mesh = inla.mesh.create( loc_xy, plot.delay=NULL, refine=FALSE)
# Create matrices in INLA
spde <- inla.spde2.matern(mesh, alpha=2)
# COmpile
compile( "deltaModel.cpp" )
dyn.load( dynlib("deltaModel") )
# Build object
Data = list("c_i"=as.vector(c_xy), "j_i"=mesh$idx$loc-1, "M0"=spde$param.inla$M0, "M1"=spde$param.inla$M1, "M2"=spde$param.inla$M2 )
Params = list( "beta0"=0, "ln_tau"=0, "ln_kappa"=0, "ln_w"=0, "ln_cv"=0, "epsilon_j"=rep(0,nrow(spde$param.inla$M0)) )
Map = list( "ln_tau"=factor(NA), "ln_kappa"=factor(NA), "epsilon_j"=factor(rep(NA,length(Params$epsilon_j))) )
Obj = MakeADFun( data=Data, parameters=Params, random="epsilon_j", map=Map )
# Optimize
Opt = fit_tmb( obj=Obj, newtonsteps=0, getsd=FALSE )
report = Obj$report()
# Run
osa = oneStepPredict_deltaModel( obj=Obj,"c_i", method="cdf",
data.term.indicator="keep", deltaSupport=0, trace=TRUE, seed=1 ) #discreteSupport = seq(0,max(Data$c_i),by=1) )
qqnorm(osa$residual); abline(0,1)
# should be uniform from 0 to mean(c_xy==0) when mapping off random effects
qresid = NULL
for(i in 1:1000){
osa = oneStepPredict_deltaModel( obj=Obj,"c_i", method="cdf",
data.term.indicator="keep", deltaSupport=0, trace=FALSE, seed=i ) #discreteSupport = seq(0,max(Data$c_i),by=1) )
qresid = c( qresid, pnorm(osa[which(Obj$env$data[["c_i"]]==0),'residual']) )
abline( v=mean(c_xy==0), lwd=3, lty="dotted" )
## End(Not run)
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