
Defines functions threads getthreadid

Documented in getthreadid threads

#' Disqus Threads API
#' \code{threads()} is a function to access the disqus threads api. It is built
#' as a comfortable wrapper for \code{listTemplate()} a disqusR function
#' underlying most of the retrieving (GET) functions of the disqus API. It will
#' return an object of class dq_thread, containing the content retrieved.
#' By default \code{threads()} will return a json object.
#' threads() requires at least one option.
#' For a full documentation and all currently possible options please see
#' \url{https://disqus.com/api/docs/threads/}.
#' As of June 2015 following options are available.
#' @param option option default NULL
#' @param type json or rss default json
#' @param limit integer limit 1 to 100
#' @param ... options: close, create, details, list, listHot, listPopular,
#' listPosts, open, remove, restore, set, subscribe, unsubscribe, update, vote
#' GET functions:
#' details
#' list
#' listHot
#' listPopular
#' listPosts
#' set
#' subscribe
#' update
#' POST functions: close,
#' create
#' open
#' remove
#' restore
#' unsubscribe
#' vote -1, 0, 1
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # lists threads of forum=politico in RSS-type
#' threads("list", forum="politico", type="rss")
#' # list a few disqus threads
#' threads("list")
#' }
#' @export
threads <- function(option, type = "json", limit = 25, ...) {

  lT <- listTemplate(option, ressource = "threads", type = type, limit = limit,

  if (type == "json") {
    raw <- fromJSON(lT)$response
  } else{
    raw <- lT

  class(raw) <- c("dq_thread")


#' getthreadid
#' Wrapper for threads() to fetch the id of a given forum.
#' @param thrd numeric or string if is url this wrapper tries to fetch the id of
#' the disqus thread in the link.
#' @param ... additional listTemplate Options.
#' @example
#' \donotrun{
#' trds <- threads("list", forum="politico")
#' getthreadid(trds$link[1])
#' }
#' @export
getthreadid <- function(thrd=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(thrd))
    raw <- threads(option="list", thread=thrd, ...)
    stop("No thread choosen.")

JanMarvin/disqusR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:11 a.m.