
PCC.Stemma <-
           omissionsAsReadings = FALSE,
           limit = 0,
           recoverNAs = TRUE,
           layout_as_stemma = FALSE,
           ask = TRUE,
           verbose = FALSE) {
    # TODO(JBC): find a way to avoid redundancy for output?
    # TODO(JBC): la sortie de cette fonction n'a pas de classe, il faudrait 
    # l'implémenter
    # TODO(JBC): Modifier cette fonction pour pouvoir prendre en entrée une
    # liste de bases de données (ajouter une option) issue de
    # PCC.equipollent, et dans ce cas, traiter chacune des tables à son tour
    # (et fusionner les résultats), ainsi que la possibilité de prendre des
    # objets issus de PCC.elimination, etc.  Pour pouvoir faire ça, il faudra
    # être plus rigoureux dans la définition des objets.  if(is.list(x)){
    # output = as.list(NULL) # for(i in 1:length(x)){ pccStemma =
    # PCC.Stemma(x[[i]], omissionsAsReadings = omissionsAsReadings, limit =
    # limit) output[[i]] = pccStemma # } return(output) # } Deuxième
    # possibilité, le contenu n'est qu'une seule table de variantes
    tableVariantes = x
    edgelistGlobal = NULL # matrix(c(character(0), character(0)), ncol = 2)
    models = matrix(
      nrow = nrow(tableVariantes), 
      ncol = 0, 
      dimnames = list(dimnames(tableVariantes)[[1]]))
    modelsByGroup = matrix(
      nrow = 1,
      ncol = 0,
      dimnames = list("Models")
    fullDatabase = tableVariantes
    # And now, we need to define an internal
    # function to collate databases, to
    # avoid redundancy
    collateDbs <- function(x,y){
      myCols = colnames(y)
      for(i in seq_len(length(myCols))){
        # If the columns already exists,
        # replace it.
        if(myCols[i] %in% colnames(x)){
          x[, myCols[i]] = y[,i]
        } else {
          # Otherwise, add it
          x = cbind(x, y[,i, drop = FALSE])
    counter = 0
    while (ncol(tableVariantes) > 3) {
      counter = counter + 1
      pccdisagreement = PCC.disagreement(tableVariantes, omissionsAsReadings = omissionsAsReadings)
      pccBuildGroup = PCC.buildGroup(pccdisagreement, limit = limit, ask = ask)  # We test if no group was found
      if (identical(pccBuildGroup$groups, list())) {
        message("No group was found. Unable to build stemma.")
        # Plot the stemma at this step, if it exists
        # TODO: deport stemma plotting to avoid redundancy?
        if (!is.null(edgelistGlobal)) {
          myNetwork = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edgelistGlobal[,1:2, drop = FALSE], directed = TRUE)
            myLayout = layout_as_stemma(edgelistGlobal)
            myLayout = layout_as_tree(myNetwork)
          # Color the reconstructed wit. 
          # (i.e., nodes with names starting with { ) 
          # in grey, others in orange
          # NB: this could be made more robust by using a 
          # vector of color attributes passed between functions
          igraph::V(myNetwork)$color = "orange"
          igraph::V(myNetwork)[grep('^{', igraph::V(myNetwork)$name, perl=TRUE)]$color = "grey"
          igraph::plot.igraph(myNetwork, layout=myLayout)
          output = as.list(NULL)
          output$fullDatabase = fullDatabase
          output$database = tableVariantes
          output$edgelist = edgelistGlobal
          output$models = models
          output$modelsByGroup = modelsByGroup
        } else {
      pccReconstructModel = PCC.reconstructModel(
        omissionsAsReadings = omissionsAsReadings,
        recoverNAs = recoverNAs,
        ask = ask,
        verbose = verbose
      tableVariantes = pccReconstructModel$database
      fullDatabase = collateDbs(fullDatabase, tableVariantes)
      if (!exists("tableVariantes")) {
        stop("No database found.")
      # Now we save the objects given out by PCC.reconstructModel
      edgelistGlobal = rbind(edgelistGlobal, pccReconstructModel$edgelist)
      models = cbind(models,pccReconstructModel$models)
      modelsByGroup = cbind(modelsByGroup,pccReconstructModel$modelsByGroup)
    if (is.null(tableVariantes)) {
      # Job's done
      myNetwork = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edgelistGlobal[,1:2, drop = FALSE], directed = TRUE)
        myLayout = layout_as_stemma(edgelistGlobal)
        myLayout = layout_as_tree(myNetwork)
      igraph::V(myNetwork)$color = "orange"
      igraph::V(myNetwork)[grep('^{', igraph::V(myNetwork)$name, perl=TRUE)]$color = "grey"
      igraph::plot.igraph(myNetwork, layout=myLayout)
      output = as.list(NULL)
      output$fullDatabase = fullDatabase
      output$database = tableVariantes
      output$edgelist = edgelistGlobal
      output$models = models
      output$modelsByGroup = modelsByGroup
    # There is now less than 4 manuscripts in the database. The method is no
    # longer really efficient, so we check if the stemma building is over,
    # and if not, we ask the user if he wants the end of the stemma
    if (ncol(tableVariantes) > 1) {
        myNetwork = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edgelistGlobal[,1:2, drop = FALSE], directed = TRUE)
          myLayout = layout_as_stemma(edgelistGlobal)
        } else{
          myLayout = layout_as_tree(myNetwork)
        igraph::V(myNetwork)$color = "orange"
        igraph::V(myNetwork)[grep('^{', igraph::V(myNetwork)$name, perl=TRUE)]$color = "grey"
        igraph::plot.igraph(myNetwork, layout=myLayout)
          "There is now less than four manuscripts in the database.\nStemma building has now lost in accuracy. \nDo you want to continue anyway (take last step with caution) ?\n Y/N\n"
        answered = FALSE
        while (answered == FALSE) {
          answer = readline("(Y/N)")
          if (answer != "N" && answer != "Y") {
            print("Please enter Y (yes) or N (no).")
          if (answer == "N") {
            output = as.list(NULL)
            output$fullDatabase = fullDatabase
            output$database = tableVariantes
            output$edgelist = edgelistGlobal
            output$models = models
            output$modelsByGroup = modelsByGroup
          if (answer == "Y") {
            answered = TRUE
      if(ask==FALSE || answer == "Y"){
        # If not in interactive mode or if the user wishes it,
        # we complete stemma building with the last step
        counter = counter + 1
        pccdisagreement = PCC.disagreement(tableVariantes, omissionsAsReadings = omissionsAsReadings)
        pccBuildGroup = PCC.buildGroup(pccdisagreement, limit = limit, ask = ask)
        pccReconstructModel = PCC.reconstructModel(
          omissionsAsReadings = omissionsAsReadings,
          recoverNAs = recoverNAs,
          ask = ask,
          verbose = verbose
        tableVariantes = pccReconstructModel$database
        fullDatabase = collateDbs(fullDatabase, tableVariantes)
        models = cbind(models,pccReconstructModel$models)
        modelsByGroup = cbind(modelsByGroup,pccReconstructModel$modelsByGroup)
        # And here, because we want dashes for the (uncertain) relations
        # established as the last step, we will create to 
        # separate networks with differente properties, before concatening
        myNetworkCert = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edgelistGlobal[,1:2, drop = FALSE], directed = TRUE)
        # With full lines for all edges
        igraph::E(myNetworkCert)$lty = 1
        # Then dashed for the uncertain ones
        myNetworkUncert = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(pccReconstructModel$edgelist[,1:2, drop = FALSE], directed = TRUE)
        igraph::E(myNetworkUncert)$lty = 3
        # Then unite them
        myNetwork = igraph::union(myNetworkCert, myNetworkUncert, byname=TRUE)
        # fusion lty_1 et lty_2
        igraph::E(myNetwork)$lty =  ifelse(is.na(igraph::E(myNetwork)$lty_1),
        # Preparing edgelist for the output
        edgelistGlobal = rbind(edgelistGlobal, pccReconstructModel$edgelist)
        # We can rely on how igraph sorts vertices (i.e., using unique on the
        # edgelist turned, names <- unique(as.character(t(el))) )
        # to have the same indices for the vertices in the union
        # and in the layout function
          myLayout = layout_as_stemma(edgelistGlobal)
          myLayout = layout_as_tree(myNetwork)
        # And plotting
        igraph::V(myNetwork)$color = "orange"
        igraph::V(myNetwork)[grep('^{', igraph::V(myNetwork)$name, perl=TRUE)]$color = "grey"
        igraph::plot.igraph(myNetwork, layout=myLayout, main="Final stemma")
        # and output
        output = as.list(NULL)
        output$fullDatabase = fullDatabase
        output$database = tableVariantes
        output$edgelist = edgelistGlobal
        output$models = models
        output$modelsByGroup = modelsByGroup
    } else {
      output = as.list(NULL)
      output$fullDatabase = fullDatabase
      output$database = tableVariantes
      output$edgelist = edgelistGlobal
      output$models = models
      output$modelsByGroup = modelsByGroup
Jean-Baptiste-Camps/stemmatology documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:33 p.m.