RT.PinholeCamera: Constructs a valid pinhole camera object. In particular it...

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples


Constructs a valid pinhole camera object. In particular it defines the notional internal dimensions of said camera, and its location in **vecspace**.


RT.PinholeCamera(hole.location = c(0, 0, 0), film.centre = c(0, 0, -0.052),
  film.up = c(0, 1, 0), film.right = c(1, 0, 0), film.size = 0.036)



The notional position of the pinhole in x,y,z space. Defaults to c(0,0,0)


The notional location of the centre of the film within the camera. The default properties of all of the film.parameters define a film located back along the negative z axis (i.e "looking" in the (0,0,1) direction) with a size and subsequent view angle approximating that of a ~50mm SLR lens. @param film.up The notional orientation of the film. By default is "up" i.e to take a horizontal aligned picture (where the positive y axis defines up) @param film.right Further property of the notional orientation of the film. By default is orthogonal to the view direction and the up vector, so as to define a rectangular film orthogonal to the view direction. Interesting photograph techniques could be created by manipulating these film values to align the film in a different orientation to the view direction. @param film.size The notional size of the film to be exposed. This defines a square size, which by default approximates a 35mm film. The aspect ratio of the actual exposure will be defined by image height and width (in pixels) with *film.size* taking the longer of the two pixel dimensions.


A validated camera object.


  cam <- RT.PinholeCamera()

JerBoon/raytrace documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:19 p.m.