Man pages for JerBoon/vecspace
Build a Hierarchy of Objects in 3D Euclidean (x,y,z) Space

Spc.AsPolylinesOutputs all object coordinates as a list of 3 column matrices...
Spc.CombineReturn an object from a list of other objects
Spc.IntersectFind the distance at which a ray first intersects with an...
Spc.MakeCuboidReturn a cuboid object, constructed from elementary spacial...
Spc.MakePlaneReturn an elementary plane object
Spc.MakePolygonConstruct a polygon from elementary triangles. Returns these...
Spc.MakeSphereReturn an elementary sphere object
Spc.MakeTriangleReturn an elementary triangle object
Spc.NoIntersectKind of the opposite of Spc.Intersect(). Takes a ray origin...
Spc.PlotPlot an orthographic plan view along x, y and z axes
Spc.RotateRotate an object by c(ax,ay,az) in the x y and z planes,...
Spc.TranslateMove the object hierarchy to a different point in space,...
Utils.CrossProductCross Product of two direction vectors in 3D space
Utils.DotProductDot (Scalar) Product of two direction vectors in 3D space
Utils.UnitVectorConvert input vector to unit length
Utils.VectorLengthThe scalar length of a vector
JerBoon/vecspace documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:28 a.m.