Man pages for JeremyGelb/spNetwork
Spatial Analysis on Network

adaptive_bwAdaptive bandwidth
adaptive_bw_1dAdaptive bw in one dimension
adaptive_bw.mcAdaptive bandwidth (multicore)
adaptive_bw_tnkdeAdaptive bandwidth for TNDE
adaptive_bw_tnkde_cppThe exposed function to calculate adaptive bandwidth with...
adaptive_bw_tnkde_cpp2The exposed function to calculate adaptive bandwidth with...
adaptive_bw_tnkde.mcAdaptive bandwidth for TNDE (multicore)
add_center_linesAdd center vertex to lines
add_vertices_linesAdd vertices to a feature collection of linestrings
aggregate_pointsEvents aggregation
bike_accidentsRoad accidents including a bicyle in Montreal in 2016
build_graphNetwork generation
build_graph_directedDirected network generation
build_gridSpatial grid
build_quadtreeBuild a quadtree
bw_checksCheck function for parameters in bandwidth selection methods
bw_cvl_calcBandwidth selection by Cronie and Van Lieshout's Criterion
bw_cvl_calc.mcBandwidth selection by Cronie and Van Lieshout's Criterion...
bw_cv_likelihood_calcBandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation
bw_cv_likelihood_calc.mcBandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation...
bw_cv_likelihood_calc_tkdeBandwidth selection for Temporal Kernel density estimate by...
bw_tnkde_corr_factorTime and Network bandwidth correction calculation
bw_tnkde_corr_factor_arrTime and Network bandwidth correction calculation for arrays
bw_tnkde_cv_likelihood_calcBandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation for...
bw_tnkde_cv_likelihood_calc.mcBandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation for...
calcEuclideanDistance3euclidean distance between rows of a matrix and a vector...
calc_gammaGamma parameter for Abramson’s adaptive bandwidth
calc_isochronesIsochrones calculation
check_geometriesGeometry sanity check
clean_eventsClean events geometries
closest_pointsFind closest points
continuousfunctionThe main function to calculate continuous NKDE (with ARMADILO...
continuousfunction2The main function to calculate continuous NKDE (with ARMADILO...
continuousWorkerThe worker function to calculate continuous NKDE (with...
continuousWorker_sparseThe worker function to calculate continuous NKDE (with...
correction_factorBorder correction for NKDE
correction_factor_timeTime extent correction for NKDE
corrfactor_continuousA function to calculate the necessary information to apply...
corrfactor_continuous_sparseA function to calculate the necessary information to apply...
corrfactor_discontinuousA function to calculate the necessary informations to apply...
corrfactor_discontinuous_sparseA function to calculate the necessary information to apply...
cosine_kernelCosine kernel
cosine_kernel_cppc++ cosine kernel
cosine_kernelosc++ cosine kernel for one distance
cross_gfunc_cppc++ cross g function
cross_kfunc_cppc++ cross k function
cross_kfunctionsNetwork cross k and g functions (maturing)
cross_kfunctions.mcNetwork cross k and g functions (multicore, maturing)
cut_lines_at_distanceCut lines at a specified distance
direct_linesMake a network directed
discontinuousfunctionThe main function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (ARMA and...
discontinuousWorker_intThe worker function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (with...
discontinuousWorker_sparseThe worker function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (with...
dist_mat_duplDistance matrix with dupicated
epanechnikov_kernelEpanechnikov kernel
epanechnikov_kernel_cppc++ epanechnikov kernel
epanechnikov_kernelosc++ epanechnikov kernel for one distance
esc_kernel_loo_nkdeThe worker function to calculate continuous TNKDE likelihood...
esc_kernel_loo_tnkdeThe worker function to calculate continuous TNKDE likelihood...
esc_kernel_loo_tnkde_adptThe worker function to calculate continuous TNKDE likelihood...
esd_kernel_loo_nkdeThe worker function to calculate discontinuous TNKDE...
esd_kernel_loo_tnkdeThe worker function to calculate discontinuous TNKDE...
esd_kernel_loo_tnkde_adptThe worker function to calculate discontinuous TNKDE...
ess_kernelWorker for simple NKDE algorithm
ess_kernel_loo_nkdeThe worker function to calculate simple NKDE likelihood cv
ess_kernel_loo_tnkdeThe worker function to calculate simple TNKDE likelihood cv
ess_kernel_loo_tnkde_adptThe worker function to calculate simple TNKDE likelihood cv...
gaussian_kernelGaussian kernel
gaussian_kernel_cppc++ gaussian kernel
gaussian_kernelosc++ gaussian kernel for one distance
gaussian_kernel_scaledScaled gaussian kernel
gaussian_kernel_scaled_cppc++ scale gaussian kernel
gaussian_kernel_scaledosc++ scaled gaussian kernel for one distance
gfunc_cppc++ g function
gm_meanGeometric mean
g_nt_func_cppc++ g space-time function
graph_checkingTopological error
heal_edgesHeal edges
is_projectedProjection test
kfunc_cppc++ k function
kfunctionsNetwork k and g functions (maturing)
kfunctions.mcNetwork k and g functions (multicore, maturing)
k_nt_func_cppc++ k space-time function
k_nt_functionsNetwork k and g functions for spatio-temporal data...
k_nt_functions.mcNetwork k and g functions for spatio-temporal data...
lines_centerCentre points of lines
lines_coordinates_as_listLines coordinates as list
lines_directionUnify lines direction
lines_extremitiesGet lines extremities
lines_points_alongPoints along lines
list_coordinates_as_linesList of coordinates as lines
lixelize_linesCut lines into lixels
lixelize_lines.mcCut lines into lixels (multicore)
main_network_mtlPrimary road network of Montreal
mtl_librariesLibraries of Montreal
mtl_networkRoad network of Montreal
mtl_theatresTheatres of Montreal
nearest_linesNearest line for points
nearestPointOnLineNearest point on Line
nearestPointOnSegmentNearest point on segment
network_knnK-nearest points on network
network_knn.mcK-nearest points on network (multicore version)
network_knn_workerworker function for K-nearest points on network
network_listwNetwork distance listw
network_listw.mcNetwork distance listw (multicore)
network_listw_workernetwork_listw worker
nkdeNetwork Kernel density estimate
nkde_get_loo_valuesThe exposed function to calculate NKDE likelihood cv
nkde.mcNetwork Kernel density estimate (multicore)
nkde_workerNKDE worker
nkde_worker_bw_selBandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation worker...
plot_graphPlot graph
prepare_dataPrior data preparation
prepare_elements_netlistwData preparation for network_listw
quartic_kernelQuartic kernel
quartic_kernel_cppc++ quartic kernel
quartic_kernelosc++ quartic kernel for one distance
randomize_distmatrixPoints on network randomization
randomize_distmatrix2Points on network randomization simplified
remove_loop_linesRemove loops
remove_mirror_edgesRemove mirror edges
reverse_linesReverse lines
sanity_check_knnSanity check for the knn functions
select_dist_functionSelect the distance to weight function
select_kernelSelect kernel function
simple_linesLineString to simple Line
simple_nkdeSimple NKDE algorithm
simple_tnkdeSimple TNKDE algorithm
simplify_networkSimplify a network
small_mtl_networkSmaller subset road network of Montreal
snapPointsToLines2Snap points to lines
spatial_indexAn object (c++ pointer) to do some spatial query of...
spatial_requestSpatial request
sp_char_indexCoordinates to unique character vector
split_borderSplit boundary of polygon
split_by_gridSplit data with a grid
split_by_grid_abwSplit data with a grid for the adaptive bw function
split_by_grid_abw.mcSplit data with a grid for the adaptive bw function...
split_by_grid.mcSplit data with a grid (multicore)
split_graph_componentsSplit graph components
split_lines_at_vertexSplit lines at vertices in a feature collection of...
spNetwork-packagespNetwork: Spatial Analysis on Network
st_bbox_by_featureObtain all the bounding boxes of a feature collection
st_bbox_geomsf geometry bbox
surrounding_pointsPoints along polygon boundary
tkdeTemporal Kernel density estimate
tnkdeTemporal Network Kernel density estimate
tnkdecontinuousfunctionThe main function to calculate continuous TNKDE (with...
tnkdediscontinuousfunctionThe main function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (ARMA and...
tnkdediscontinuousfunctionsparseThe main function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (ARMA and...
tnkde_get_loo_valuesThe exposed function to calculate TNKDE likelihood cv
tnkde_get_loo_values2The exposed function to calculate TNKDE likelihood cv
tnkde.mcTemporal Network Kernel density estimate (multicore)
tnkde_workerTNKDE worker
tnkde_worker_bw_selWorker function fo Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross...
triangle_kerneltriangle kernel
triangle_kernel_cppc++ triangle kernel
triangle_kernelosc++ triangle kernel for one distance
tricube_kernelTricube kernel
tricube_kernel_cppc++ tricube kernel
tricube_kernelosc++ tricube kernel for one distance
trim_lines_atHelper for isochrones lines cutting
triweight_kernelTriweight kernel
triweight_kernel_cppc++ triweight kernel
triweight_kernelosc++ triweight kernel for one distance
uniform_kernelUniform kernel
uniform_kernel_cppc++ uniform kernel
uniform_kernelosc++ uniform kernel for one distance
worker_adaptive_bw_tnkdeWorker function for adaptive bandwidth for TNDE
JeremyGelb/spNetwork documentation built on May 24, 2024, 7:23 p.m.