adaptive_bw | Adaptive bandwidth |
adaptive_bw_1d | Adaptive bw in one dimension | | Adaptive bandwidth (multicore) |
adaptive_bw_tnkde | Adaptive bandwidth for TNDE |
adaptive_bw_tnkde_cpp | The exposed function to calculate adaptive bandwidth with... |
adaptive_bw_tnkde_cpp2 | The exposed function to calculate adaptive bandwidth with... | | Adaptive bandwidth for TNDE (multicore) |
add_center_lines | Add center vertex to lines |
add_vertices_lines | Add vertices to a feature collection of linestrings |
aggregate_points | Events aggregation |
bike_accidents | Road accidents including a bicyle in Montreal in 2016 |
build_graph | Network generation with igraph |
build_graph_cppr | Network generation with cppRouting |
build_graph_directed | Directed network generation |
build_grid | Spatial grid |
bw_checks | Check function for parameters in bandwidth selection methods |
bw_cvl_calc | Bandwidth selection by Cronie and Van Lieshout's Criterion | | Bandwidth selection by Cronie and Van Lieshout's Criterion... |
bw_cv_likelihood_calc | Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation | | Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation... |
bw_cv_likelihood_calc_tkde | Bandwidth selection for Temporal Kernel density estimate by... |
bw_tnkde_corr_factor | Time and Network bandwidth correction calculation |
bw_tnkde_corr_factor_arr | Time and Network bandwidth correction calculation for arrays |
bw_tnkde_cv_likelihood_calc | Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation for... | | Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation for... |
calcEuclideanDistance3 | euclidean distance between rows of a matrix and a vector... |
calc_gamma | Gamma parameter for Abramson’s adaptive bandwidth |
calc_isochrones | Isochrones calculation |
check_geometries | Geometry sanity check |
clean_events | Clean events geometries |
closest_points | Find closest points |
continuousfunction | The main function to calculate continuous NKDE (with ARMADILO... |
continuousfunction2 | The main function to calculate continuous NKDE (with ARMADILO... |
continuousWorker | The worker function to calculate continuous NKDE (with... |
continuousWorker_sparse | The worker function to calculate continuous NKDE (with... |
correction_factor | Border correction for NKDE |
correction_factor_time | Time extent correction for NKDE |
corrfactor_continuous | A function to calculate the necessary information to apply... |
corrfactor_continuous_sparse | A function to calculate the necessary information to apply... |
corrfactor_discontinuous | A function to calculate the necessary informations to apply... |
corrfactor_discontinuous_sparse | A function to calculate the necessary information to apply... |
cosine_kernel | Cosine kernel |
cosine_kernel_cpp | c++ cosine kernel |
cosine_kernelos | c++ cosine kernel for one distance |
cross_gfunc_cpp | c++ cross g function |
cross_kfunc_cpp | c++ cross k function |
cross_kfunctions | Network cross k and g functions (maturing) | | Network cross k and g functions (maturing, multicore) |
cut_lines_at_distance | Cut lines at a specified distance |
direct_lines | Make a network directed |
discontinuousfunction | The main function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (ARMA and... |
discontinuousWorker_int | The worker function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (with... |
discontinuousWorker_sparse | The worker function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (with... |
dist_mat_dupl | Distance matrix with dupicated |
epanechnikov_kernel | Epanechnikov kernel |
epanechnikov_kernel_cpp | c++ epanechnikov kernel |
epanechnikov_kernelos | c++ epanechnikov kernel for one distance |
esc_kernel_loo_nkde | The worker function to calculate continuous TNKDE likelihood... |
esc_kernel_loo_tnkde | The worker function to calculate continuous TNKDE likelihood... |
esc_kernel_loo_tnkde_adpt | The worker function to calculate continuous TNKDE likelihood... |
esd_kernel_loo_nkde | The worker function to calculate discontinuous TNKDE... |
esd_kernel_loo_tnkde | The worker function to calculate discontinuous TNKDE... |
esd_kernel_loo_tnkde_adpt | The worker function to calculate discontinuous TNKDE... |
ess_kernel | Worker for simple NKDE algorithm |
ess_kernel_loo_nkde | The worker function to calculate simple NKDE likelihood cv |
ess_kernel_loo_tnkde | The worker function to calculate simple TNKDE likelihood cv |
ess_kernel_loo_tnkde_adpt | The worker function to calculate simple TNKDE likelihood cv... |
gaussian_kernel | Gaussian kernel |
gaussian_kernel_cpp | c++ gaussian kernel |
gaussian_kernelos | c++ gaussian kernel for one distance |
gaussian_kernel_scaled | Scaled gaussian kernel |
gaussian_kernel_scaled_cpp | c++ scale gaussian kernel |
gaussian_kernel_scaledos | c++ scaled gaussian kernel for one distance |
gfunc_counting | c++ g function counting worker |
gfunc_cpp | c++ g function |
gfunc_cpp2 | c++ g function |
gm_mean | Geometric mean |
g_nt_func_cpp | c++ g space-time function |
graph_checking | Topological error |
heal_edges | Heal edges |
is_projected | Projection test |
kfunc_counting | c++ k function counting worker |
kfunc_cpp | c++ k function |
kfunc_cpp2 | c++ k function 2 |
kfunctions | Network k and g functions (maturing) | | Network k and g functions (multicore) |
kgfunc_counting | c++ k and g function counting worker |
kgfunc_cpp2 | c++ k and g function |
kgfunc_time_counting | c++ k and g function counting worker |
k_nt_func_cpp | c++ k space-time function |
k_nt_functions | Network k and g functions for spatio-temporal data... | | Network k and g functions for spatio-temporal data... |
lines_center | Centre points of lines |
lines_coordinates_as_list | Lines coordinates as list |
lines_direction | Unify lines direction |
lines_extremities | Get lines extremities |
lines_points_along | Points along lines |
list_coordinates_as_lines | List of coordinates as lines |
lixelize_lines | Cut lines into lixels | | Cut lines into lixels (multicore) |
main_network_mtl | Primary road network of Montreal |
mtl_libraries | Libraries of Montreal |
mtl_network | Road network of Montreal |
mtl_theatres | Theatres of Montreal |
nearest_lines | Nearest line for points |
nearestPointOnLine | Nearest point on Line |
nearestPointOnSegment | Nearest point on segment |
network_knn | K-nearest points on network | | K-nearest points on network (multicore version) |
network_knn_worker | worker function for K-nearest points on network |
network_listw | Network distance listw | | Network distance listw (multicore) |
network_listw_worker | network_listw worker |
nkde | Network Kernel density estimate |
nkde_get_loo_values | The exposed function to calculate NKDE likelihood cv | | Network Kernel density estimate (multicore) |
nkde_worker | NKDE worker |
nkde_worker_bw_sel | Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross validation worker... |
pair_dists | pairwise distance between two vectors |
plot_graph | Plot graph |
prepare_data | Prior data preparation |
prepare_elements_netlistw | Data preparation for network_listw |
prep_kfuncs_results | Preparing results for K functions |
quartic_kernel | Quartic kernel |
quartic_kernel_cpp | c++ quartic kernel |
quartic_kernelos | c++ quartic kernel for one distance |
remove_loop_lines | Remove loops |
remove_mirror_edges | Remove mirror edges |
reverse_lines | Reverse lines |
rev_matrix | Rervese the elements in a matrix |
sanity_check_knn | Sanity check for the knn functions |
select_dist_function | Select the distance to weight function |
select_kernel | Select kernel function |
simple_lines | LineString to simple Line |
simple_nkde | Simple NKDE algorithm |
simple_tnkde | Simple TNKDE algorithm |
simplify_network | Simplify a network |
small_mtl_network | Smaller subset road network of Montreal |
snapPointsToLines2 | Snap points to lines |
sp_char_index | Coordinates to unique character vector |
split_border | Split boundary of polygon |
split_by_grid | Split data with a grid |
split_by_grid_abw | Split data with a grid for the adaptive bw function | | Split data with a grid for the adaptive bw function... | | Split data with a grid |
split_graph_components | Split graph components |
split_lines_at_vertex | Split lines at vertices in a feature collection of... |
spNetwork-package | spNetwork: Spatial Analysis on Network |
st_bbox_by_feature | Obtain all the bounding boxes of a feature collection |
st_bbox_geom | sf geometry bbox |
surrounding_points | Points along polygon boundary |
tkde | Temporal Kernel density estimate |
tnkde | Temporal Network Kernel density estimate |
tnkdecontinuousfunction | The main function to calculate continuous TNKDE (with... |
tnkdediscontinuousfunction | The main function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (ARMA and... |
tnkdediscontinuousfunctionsparse | The main function to calculate discontinuous NKDE (ARMA and... |
tnkde_get_loo_values | The exposed function to calculate TNKDE likelihood cv |
tnkde_get_loo_values2 | The exposed function to calculate TNKDE likelihood cv | | Temporal Network Kernel density estimate (multicore) |
tnkde_worker | TNKDE worker |
tnkde_worker_bw_sel | Worker function fo Bandwidth selection by likelihood cross... |
triangle_kernel | triangle kernel |
triangle_kernel_cpp | c++ triangle kernel |
triangle_kernelos | c++ triangle kernel for one distance |
tricube_kernel | Tricube kernel |
tricube_kernel_cpp | c++ tricube kernel |
tricube_kernelos | c++ tricube kernel for one distance |
trim_lines_at | Helper for isochrones lines cutting |
triweight_kernel | Triweight kernel |
triweight_kernel_cpp | c++ triweight kernel |
triweight_kernelos | c++ triweight kernel for one distance |
uniform_kernel | Uniform kernel |
uniform_kernel_cpp | c++ uniform kernel |
uniform_kernelos | c++ uniform kernel for one distance |
worker_adaptive_bw_tnkde | Worker function for adaptive bandwidth for TNDE |
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