
#' Hydraullic Unit Codes from Watershed Boundary Dataset.
#' This is an imported shapefile containing the watershed boundaries in the US.
#' To generate this dataset download the huc250k dataset from the
#' USGS website
#' # library(sp)
#' # library(rgdal)
#' ## Set working directory to unzipped shape file directory
#' # watershedInfo <- spTransform(readOGR(".", "huc250k"), 
#' #                              CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
#' wIgroup1 <- watershedInfo[as.numeric(watershedInfo$REG) <= 6,]
#' wIgroup2 <- watershedInfo[as.numeric(watershedInfo$REG) >= 7 &
#'                             as.numeric(watershedInfo$REG) <= 12 ,]
#' wIgroup3 <- watershedInfo[as.numeric(watershedInfo$REG) >= 13,]
#' # save(wIgroup1, file="wIgroup1.RDA")
#' # save(wIgroup2, file="wIgroup2.RDA")
#' # save(wIgroup3, file="wIgroup3.RDA")
#' wateshedInfo can be called as followed
#' watershedInfo <- rbind(wIgroup1, wIgroup2, wIgroup3)
#' @format A Large SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with 2158 elements:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{AREA}{}
#'   \item{PERIMETER}{}
#'   \item{HUC250K_}{}
#'   \item{HUC250K_ID}{}
#'   \item{HUC_CODE}{}
#'   \item{HUC_NAME}{}
#'   \item{REG}{}
#'   \item{SUB}{}
#'   \item{ACC}{}
#'   \item{CAT}{}
#'   ...
#' }
#' @source \url{https://nhd.usgs.gov/wbd.html}
JerryHMartin/waterDataSupport documentation built on Jan. 25, 2023, 2:36 a.m.