Man pages for Jiaxin-Fan/ASEP
ASEP: Gene-based detection of allele-specific expression in a population by RNA seqencing

ASE_detectionPerform gene-level ASE analysis in the population across...
differential_ASE_detectionPerform gene-level differential ASE analysis in the...
modelFitModel Fitting
one_condition_analysis_GenePerform ASE analysis in the population for a given gene
phasingHaplotype pseudo alignment
plot_ASEBoxplot of the estimated SNP-level ASE
plot_ASE_diffBoxplot of the estimated SNP-level ASE difference between two...
two_conditions_analysis_GenePerform differential ASE analysis in the population for a...
Jiaxin-Fan/ASEP documentation built on Aug. 9, 2021, 6:39 a.m.