Crofoot: Capuchin monkey contests

Description Usage Format References


Data on features and outcomes of intergroup contests among territorial groups of capuchin monkey (Cebus capucinus). Each row contains a single contest between two groups.




  1. focal : ID of focal group

  2. other : ID of other group

  3. dyad : ID of specific dyad pair of groups

  4. win : 1 if focal won contest, 0 if other won

  5. dist_focal : Distance in meters of focal group from the center of its home range

  6. dist_other : Distance in meters of other group from the center of its home range

  7. n_focal : Number of individuals in focal group

  8. n_other : Number of individuals in other group

  9. m_focal : Number of males in focal group

  10. m_other : Number of males in other group

  11. f_focal : Number of females in focal group

  12. f_other : Number of females in other group


M.C. Crofoot, I.C. Gilby, M.C. Wikelski, and R.W. Kays. 2008. PNAS 105:577–581.

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