Hoogland: Prairie dog dispersal data

Description Usage Format References


Dispersal and kin residence data for three species of prairie dog, from 1976 to 2004. Each row is an individual dispersal record, with associated descriptors.




  1. Species : 1 = black-tailed, 2 = Gunnison's, 3 = Utah

  2. Year : Year of case record

  3. Male : 1 = male, 0 = female

  4. NoDisperse : 1 = did not disperse within 12 months of weaning, 0 = dispersed

  5. Mother : 1 = mother present for 12 months after weaning, 0 = absent

  6. Sisters : Minimal number of littermate sisters present at dispersal/non-dispersal

  7. Bros : Minimal number of littermate brothers present

  8. ClanSize : Minimal number of adults present in territory at time of dispersal/non-dispersal. Includes close kin, distant kin, immigrants, and focal individual

  9. AllKin : Minimal number of mother and littermates in territory at time of dispersal/non-dispersal


Hoogland 2013. Science 339:1205–1207.

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