


# ==== LOAD DATA =================================================


data(geneList)  # load data from DOSE package


# ==== END SETUP AND PREPARE ===================================================

gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]
DGOResult <- enrichDGO(gene, universe = names(geneList))

DOanalysis <- DGOResult[["DO"]]
GOanalysis <- DGOResult[["GO"]]

test_that("corrupt input generates errors",  {
  expect_error(enrichDGO(c(), universe = names(geneList)),
               "The input should be a vector of gene IDs with a fold change")

test_that("a sample input prouces the expected output",  {
  expect_equal(class(DOanalysis), class(GOanalysis))

# ==== BEGIN TEARDOWN AND RESTORE ==============================================

# Remove any variables that the test has created 




# ==== END  TEARDOWN AND RESTORE ===============================================

# [END]
JoelleJee/DGOplot documentation built on July 15, 2020, 8:32 a.m.