Man pages for John-Poplett/novels
Predicting Success of Literary Texts

addInformationRetrievalMetricsCompute information retrieval metrics (e.g. accuracy,...
createConfusionMatrixFrom stony-brook results, compute a confusion matrix
createPredictorReturn a closure that can predict the success of a novel
createSplitCreate a train and test split of the novels dataset
getIteratorGet a text2vec iterator over tokenized words
results2TextConvert numeric response to text value
selectByAuthorReturn a logical vector of authors that match the specified...
showMemoryUseA pretty=printer that shows memory use in current session
text2vocabConvert a vector of texts into a vocabulary object
tidyMetadataTidy up metadata
John-Poplett/novels documentation built on Jan. 28, 2020, 12:02 a.m.