
sunRiseSet <- function (Dates.Locs, timezone = "America/Los_Angeles") 
    "  # This function is a wrapper so that vectors of date and lat/long can be given  "
    "  # Dates.Locs needs to be a data frame with column names of: Date, Lat, and Long "
    "  # sunrise.set() is from:  http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/maptools-sunrise-sunset-function-td874148.html  "
    "  # Example: "
    "  #    (Dates.Locs <- data.frame(Date = c('2008-11-08', '2017-03-24'), Lat = c(33.46, 47 + 38/60 + 40/3600), Long = c(-120.25, -(122 + 18/60 + 24/3600))))  "
    "  #    sunRiseSet(Dates.Locs)  "
    "  #    cbind(Dates.Locs, sunRiseSet(Dates.Locs)) "
    "  "
    "  # Note that the first row in the example above is in PST and the second is in PDT.  "
    "  # To always get PST use: timezone = 'ETC/GMT+8'  "
    "  "
    "  # Locations and Dates need to be all in the same time zone for now.... "
    "  "
    sunrise.set <- function(lat, long, date, timezone = "UTC", num.days = 1) {
        lat.long <- matrix(c(long, lat), nrow = 1)
        day <- as.POSIXct(date, format= "%Y-%m-%d", tz = timezone)
        sequence <- seq(from = day, length.out = num.days, by = "days")
        sunrise <- maptools::sunriset(lat.long, sequence, direction = "sunrise", POSIXct = TRUE)
        sunset <-  maptools::sunriset(lat.long, sequence, direction = "sunset", POSIXct = TRUE)
        ss <- data.frame(sunrise, sunset)
        ss <- ss[, -c(1, 3)]
        colnames(ss) <- c("sunRise", "sunSet")
        ss$sunRise.hours <- convert.hr.min.sec.to.decimal.hrs(substring(strftime(ss[1, 1], tz = timezone), 12))
        ss$sunSet.hours  <- convert.hr.min.sec.to.decimal.hrs(substring(strftime(ss[1, 2], tz = timezone), 12))
        ss$sunRise <- strftime(ss[1, 1], tz = timezone, format = "%H:%M")
        ss$sunSet  <- strftime(ss[1, 2], tz = timezone, format = "%H:%M")
    renum <- function(x, no.num = F) {
        if (no.num) 
            dimnames(x)[[1]] <- rep("", nrow(x))
        else dimnames(x)[[1]] <- 1:nrow(x)
    convert.hr.min.sec.to.decimal.hrs <- function(hr.min.sec) {
        if (hr.min.sec %in% "<NA>") 
        tmp <- as.numeric(strsplit(hr.min.sec, split = ":")[[1]])
        tmp[1] + tmp[2]/60 + tmp[3]/3600
    N <- nrow(Dates.Locs)
    Out <- NULL
    for (i in 1:N) {
        Out <- rbind(Out, sunrise.set(Dates.Locs$Lat[i], Dates.Locs$Long[i], 
            Dates.Locs$Date[i], timezone = timezone))
John-R-Wallace-NOAA/Imap documentation built on April 1, 2024, 8:31 p.m.