
#' Create an adset
#' @description Create an adset.
#' @param body body of request that includes adset settings. See examples 
#' and details
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # authenticate
#' orionOAuth(client.id = 0000,
#'            client.secret = "0x00000000x00x0x000xxx0000x0xx0")
#' # list of campaigns
#' camps <- listCampaigns()
#' # list of audience templates
#' audiences <- listAudiences()
#' # create adset using random template, in random campaign
#' createAdset(body = list(
#'    name = "testAdset",
#'    bid_type = bidType("cpi"),
#'    unit_price = 1000,
#'    budget_lifetime = 10000,
#'    campaign_id = sample(camps$id, 1),
#'    audience_create_way = 2,
#'    app_show_type = appShowType("newsfeed"),
#'    audience_template_id = sample(audiences$id, 1),
#'    click_url = "http://app.adjust.io"))
#' }
#' @details Valid adset settings (\code{body}):
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{campaign_id} The campaign id which the ad set is to belongs to
#' \item \code{audience_create_way} \code{0}: Create audience targeting 
#' parameters directly. Audience should be along with this API if choose this 
#' audience_create_way. \code{1}: Create audience targeting by a template. 
#' Note: Once audience created, any changes made on the template will not 
#' affect this audience.
#' \item \code{audience_template_id} Required when \code{audience_create_way}: 
#' \code{1} or \code{2}
#' \item \code{bid_type} Use \code{\link{bidType}} to generate otherwise, 
#' \code{1}: Install (CPI) [Only for KA user], 
#' \code{3}: Click (CPC), \code{4} Impressions (CPM)
#' \item \code{app_show_type} Use \code{\link{appShowType}} to generate otherwise, 
#' \code{50000}: Native News Feed, 
#' \code{50001}: Mini Native News Feed, \code{50003}: Video Ad, 
#' \code{50008}: App Locker Ad
#' \item \code{name} Ad set name (unique)
#' \item \code{unit_price} Unit Price. Amount you want to spend to pay per click 
#' (CPC) or per 1,000 impressions (CPM)
#' \item \code{click_url} click_url, protocol is required (http://, https://).
#' \item \code{deeplink} Deep link is the ability to link into a specific page 
#' or function inside of your app, making an app linkable just like a web site. 
#' If you are only targeting people who already installed your app, you do not 
#' need to add deferred deep linking. Used when the objective of campaign which 
#' ad set belonged to is "Get App Reengagement" (\code{objective = 4})
#' \item \code{imp_url} Impression Tracking. An Impression tracking is an 
#' optional URL that allows you to track how many people viewed your ads 
#' through third-party tracking system, and our system supported macro is Gaid, 
#' e.g. http://host/imp?gaid={gaid}. Used when the bid type is "CPM" 
#' \code{bid_type = 4}
#' \item \code{budget_lifetime} Your budget is the maximum amount you want to 
#' spend. If you choose lifetime, the amount you enter is the maximum you'll 
#' spend during the lifetime of your ad set. At least one of \code{budget_daily} 
#' and \code{budget_lifetime} is filled.
#' \item \code{budget_daily} Your budget is the maximum amount you want to 
#' spend. If you choose Per Day, the amount you enter is the maximum you'll 
#' spend each day. At least one of "budget_daily" and "budget_lifetime" is 
#' filled.
#' \item \code{start_time} Start time for the adset (i.e.: \code{2015-09-09 10:10})
#' \item \code{end_time} End time for the adset (i.e.: \code{2015-09-09 10:10})
#' \item \code{ad_scheduling} Your ad set will either run continuously within 
#' some days or within some hours range you select. (\code{JSON}) 
#' i.e.: \code{{1:[1,2],7:[1,2,23]}}
#' \item \code{delivery_type} Use \code{\link{deliveryType}} to generate otherwise, 
#' \code{0}: Standard delivery, 
#' \code{1}: Accelerated delivery. 
#' Standard delivery is recommended and the preferred option for most 
#' advertisers. Accelerated delivery can be useful for promoting time-sensitive 
#' events and quickly reaching a target audience.
#' \item \code{target_cpi} Target CPI. Only for KA user. \code{3}: Click (CPC)
#' \item \code{freq_type} Frequency Capping type. Frequency capping controls 
#' frequency capping of the ad set per user. 
#' \item \code{freq_times} Frequency Capping type. Frequency capping controls 
#' frequency capping of the ad set per user.
#' \item \code{country} Audience country code. Narrow your potential audience 
#' to the people in those countries. Using '|' separated if more than one country. 
#' i.e.: \code{US|ID|CN}. See \code{\link{dictCountry}}
#' \item \code{language} Audience language code, i.e.: \code{en} see 
#' \code{\link{dictLanguage}}
#' \item \code{gender} Use \code{\link{gender}} to generate otherwise, 
#' \code{0}: All, \code{1}: Male, \code{2} Female
#' \item \code{age} Audience age. Use \code{\link{age}} to generate otherwise, 
#' \code{1}: 18-24, \code{2}: 25-30, 
#' \code{3}: 32-40, \code{4}: 41+.
#' \item \code{interest} Audience interest. Reach users based on their specific 
#' interests. See \code{\link{dictInterest}}
#' \item \code{behavior} Audience behavior. Reach users based on app usage and 
#' other behaviors. See \code{\link{dictBehaviour}}
#' \item \code{device_brand} Audience device brand. See \code{\link{dictDevice}}
#' \item \code{min_device_os} Min OS version of audience used, blank for 
#' unrestricted. See \code{\link{dictOS}}
#' \item \code{max_device_os} Max OS version of audience used, blank for 
#' unrestricted. See \code{\link{dictOS}}
#' \item \code{net_type} Use \code{\link{netType}} to generate otherwise, 
#' \code{0}: All, \code{1}: Wifi, \code{2}: 2G/3G/4G
#' \item \code{dsp_url} Bid request url of DSP when this pre-targeting 
#' condition meets.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{orionOAuth}}, \code{\link{createCampaign}}, 
#' \code{\link{helpers}}
#' @author John Coene \email{jcoenep@@gmail.com}
#' @export
createAdset <- function(body){
  if (class(body) != "list"){
    stop("body must be a list. see examples", call. = FALSE)
  result <- createObject(body = body, object = "adset")
JohnCoene/oRion documentation built on June 13, 2019, 12:44 p.m.