Man pages for JohnCoene/rodham
Fetch Hillary Rodham Clinton's Emails

clean_contentClean emails
download_emailsDownload emails
edges_emailsNetwork the treacherous
emailsHillary Rodham Clinton emails
extract_emailsExtract emails contents
get_comget_com: get emails sender's and receiver's name
get_contentget_contents: get original emails senders and receivers' name
get_dateget_date: get emails date
get_emailsGet emails and its contents
get_idget_id: get emails subjects
get_interestget_interest: get emails subjects
get_orget_or: get emails senders and receivers' name
get_subjectget_subject: get emails subjects
get_xpdfGet pdf to text extractor (xpdf)
hrc_namesHillary Rodham Clinton emails
load_emailsload emails from text files
rodhamrodham: Hillary Rodham Clinton emails
search_emailsSearch Rodham's emails
tidy_emailsTidy contents
JohnCoene/rodham documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:59 a.m.