Man pages for JonasMoss/polygrams
Density Estimation with Mixtures of Disjoint Bernstein Polynomials

as.mosek_matTransforms a symmetric matrix into the form demanded by...
cv.polygramsPerforms k-fold cross-validation on the input formula.
direct_sumCalculates the direct sum of matrices.
discrepancyObtains the empirical discrepancy of a polygram object. If d...
distributions_bernstein_densitiesDensity, distribution function, quantile function, random...
elbow_plotMakes an elbow plot for a polygram object.
empirical_bernsteinCalculates the empirical or theoretical Bernstein...
formulas_to_constraint_listA helper function for 'polygram'. Creates a list of...
get_connectivity_constraintsReturns the connectivity constraints for Cp.
get_edge_constraintsReturns the edge constraints. Not finished yet.
get_moment_constraintsReturns the constraints needed to enforce the pth moment to...
get_monotonicity_constraintsReturns the constraints needed to enforce monotonicity of a...
get_quantile_constraintsReturns the constraints needed to enforce the qth quantile to...
get_shape_constraintsReturns the constraints needed to enforce convexity /...
get_symmetry_constraintsReturns the constraints needed to enforce symmetry of a...
get_unimodal_constraintsReturns the constraints needed to enforce modality at (nu,k).
helloHello, World!
moment_functionalsMoments, central moments, mean, variance, standard deviation,...
mosek2qpMakes quadprog-compliant matrices from rmosek-compliant ones.
penaltyReturns the penalty of order p for a polygram object.
polygramThe Polygram Class of Distributions
polygram_L2_lossReturns the true L2-loss for a weight matrix V and underlying...
polygram_objective_matrixCalculates the objective matrix for use in a polygram.
polygram_objective_vectorA function that calculates the objective vector of a...
polygram_penalty_matrixCalculates the penalty matrix for s, m and p.
polygram_vs_lossCalculates the L2-loss between two polygram objects. The...
rcpp_helloHello, Rcpp!
simple_terms_to_constraint_listA helper function for 'formulas_to_constraint_list '. Handles...
JonasMoss/polygrams documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 5:19 p.m.