# Load all libraries
# If you get an error message, you will need to try re-installing packages

# Load data file into R and set seed
setwd(paste(getwd(), "/datafiles/cGVHD", sep = ""))
filename <-  dir(pattern = "*.csv")
all.data = read.csv(filename)
scaled.data = all.data[, c(2:9)]
original.clusters = all.data[, c(22)]
original.tSNE = all.data[, c(23:24)]
overall_seed = 46
# Run t-SNE on scaled markers
mytSNE = Rtsne(
  dims = 2,
  initial_dims = 8,
  perplexity = 15,
  check_duplicates = FALSE,
  max_iter = 10000
tSNE.data = as.data.frame(mytSNE$Y)

range <- apply(apply(tSNE.data, 2, range), 2, diff)
graphical.ratio.t <- (range[1] / range[2])

# t-SNE flat dot plot and density dot plot (each dot is a patient)
tSNE.plot <- data.frame(x = tSNE.data[, c(1)], y = tSNE.data[, c(2)])

ggplot(tSNE.plot) + coord_fixed(ratio = graphical.ratio.t) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), cex = 1) + 
  labs(x = "t-SNE 1", y = "t-SNE 2", title = "t-SNE on cGVHD Patient Data") + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(caption = "Data from Gandelman et al.,
       Hematologica 2019, 104: 189-196 \nFlow Repository: FR-FCM-ZYSU")
# Run FlowSOM on the t-SNE axes
tSNE.data.mat <- as.matrix(tSNE.data)

# create flowFrame
metadata <-
  data.frame(name = dimnames(tSNE.data.mat)[[2]],
             desc = paste('t-SNE', dimnames(tSNE.data.mat)[[2]]))
metadata$range <- apply(apply(tSNE.data.mat , 2, range), 2, diff)
metadata$minRange <- apply(tSNE.data.mat , 2, min)
metadata$maxRange <- apply(tSNE.data.mat , 2, max)
tSNE.flowframe <- new("flowFrame",
                      exprs = tSNE.data.mat ,
                      parameters = AnnotatedDataFrame(metadata))

# implement the FlowSOM on t-SNE data
fSOM.t <-
    compensate = FALSE,
    transform = FALSE,
    toTransform = c(1:2),
    scale = TRUE,
    colsToUse = c(1:2),
    xdim = 7,
    ydim = 7,
    nClus = 7,
    seed = overall_seed
tSNE.FlowSOM.clusters <-
  as.matrix(fSOM.t[[2]][fSOM.t[[1]]$map$mapping[, 1]])

# plot t-SNE with FlowSOM clusters
ggplot(tSNE.plot) + coord_fixed(ratio = graphical.ratio.t) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = tSNE.FlowSOM.clusters), cex = 1.5) + 
  labs(x = "t-SNE 1", y = "t-SNE 2", title = "FlowSOM Clustering on t-SNE Axes", 
       color = "FlowSOM Cluster") + theme_bw() + 
  guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5))) +
  labs(caption = "Data from Gandelman et al.,Hematologica 2019, 104: 189-196\nFlow Repository: FR-FCM-ZYSU")
# Run MEM on the FlowSOM clusters from t-SNE
cluster = as.numeric(as.vector((tSNE.FlowSOM.clusters)))
MEMdata = cbind(scaled.data, cluster)

MEM.values.tf = MEM(
  transform = FALSE,
  cofactor = 0,
  choose.markers = FALSE,
  markers = "all",
  choose.ref = FALSE,
  zero.ref = FALSE,
  rename.markers = FALSE,
  new.marker.names = "Mouth,GI,Eye,Joint,BSA,Sclerosis,Fascia,Liver",
  file.is.clust = FALSE,
  add.fileID = FALSE,
  IQR.thresh = NULL

# build MEM heatmap and output enrichment scores
  cluster.MEM = "both",
  cluster.medians = "none",
  display.thresh = 1,
  newWindow.heatmaps = FALSE,
  output.files = FALSE,
  labels = TRUE,
  only.MEMheatmap = TRUE
# Run UMAP on scaled markers
myumap <- umap(scaled.data, 
               ret_model = TRUE, 
               n_threads = 1,
               verbose = TRUE)
umap.data = as.data.frame(myumap$embedding)

range <- apply(apply(umap.data, 2, range), 2, diff)
graphical.ratio.u <- (range[1] / range[2])

# UMAP flat dot plot and density dot plot
UMAP.plot <- data.frame(x = umap.data[, 1], y = umap.data[, 2])

ggplot(UMAP.plot) + coord_fixed(ratio = graphical.ratio.u) +
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y), cex = 1) +
  labs(x = "UMAP 1", y = "UMAP 2", title = "UMAP on cGVHD Patient Data") +
  theme_bw() + labs(caption = "Data from Gandelman et al., Hematologica 2019, 104: 189-196\nFlow Repository: FR-FCM-ZYSU")
# Run FlowSOM on the UMAP axes
umap.data.mat <- as.matrix(umap.data)

# create flowFrame
UMAP.metadata <-
  data.frame(name = dimnames(umap.data.mat)[[2]],
             desc = paste('UMAP', dimnames(umap.data.mat)[[2]]))
UMAP.metadata$range <-
  apply(apply(umap.data.mat, 2, range), 2, diff)
UMAP.metadata$minRange <- apply(umap.data.mat, 2, min)
UMAP.metadata$maxRange <- apply(umap.data.mat, 2, max)
umap.flowframe <- new("flowFrame",
                      exprs = umap.data.mat,
                      parameters = AnnotatedDataFrame(UMAP.metadata))

# implement the FlowSOM on the data
fSOM.u <-
    compensate = FALSE,
    transform = FALSE,
    toTransform = c(1:2),
    scale = TRUE,
    colsToUse = c(1:2),
    nClus = 7,
    seed = overall_seed
UMAP.FlowSOM.clusters <-
  as.matrix(fSOM.u[[2]][fSOM.u[[1]]$map$mapping[, 1]])

# plot FlowSOM clusters on UMAP axes
ggplot(UMAP.plot) + coord_fixed(ratio = graphical.ratio.u) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = UMAP.FlowSOM.clusters), cex = 1.5) + 
  labs(x = "UMAP 1", y = "UMAP 2", title = "FlowSOM Clustering on UMAP Axes",
       color = "FlowSOM Cluster") + theme_bw() + 
  guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5))) +
  labs(caption = "Data from Gandelman et al., Hematologica 2019, 104: 189-196 \nFlow Repository: FR-FCM-ZYSU")
# Run MEM on the FlowSOM clusters from UMAP
cluster.u = as.numeric(as.vector((UMAP.FlowSOM.clusters)))
MEMdata.u = cbind(scaled.data, cluster.u)

MEM.values.uf = MEM(
  transform = FALSE,
  cofactor = 0,
  choose.markers = FALSE,
  markers = "all",
  choose.ref = FALSE,
  zero.ref = FALSE,
  rename.markers = FALSE,
  new.marker.names = "Mouth,GI,Eye,Joint,BSA,Sclerosis,Fascia,Liver",
  file.is.clust = FALSE,
  add.fileID = FALSE,
  IQR.thresh = NULL

# build MEM heatmap and output enrichment scores
  cluster.MEM = "both",
  cluster.medians = "none",
  display.thresh = 1,
  newWindow.heatmaps = FALSE,
  output.files = FALSE,
  labels = TRUE,
  only.MEMheatmap = TRUE
# t-SNE plot with FlowSOM Clusters from Fig.1 in Gandelman et al., Hematologica 2019
published.data <-
  data.frame(x = original.tSNE[, 1], y = original.tSNE[, 2])

ggplot(published.data) + coord_fixed(ratio = 0.6) + geom_point(aes(
  x = x,
  y = y,
  color = as.factor(original.clusters)
), cex = 1.5) + labs(
  x = "t-SNE 1",
  y = "t-SNE 2",
  title = "Published Clusters on t-SNE Axes",
  color = "FlowSOM Cluster"
) + theme_bw() + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5))) +
  labs(caption = "Data from Fig.1 as in Gandelman et al., Hematologica 2019, 104: 190\nFlow Repository: FR-FCM-ZYSU")
# Run MEM on the FlowSOM clusters from paper
cluster = original.clusters
MEMdata.orig = cbind(scaled.data, cluster)

MEM.values.orig = MEM(
  transform = FALSE,
  cofactor = 0,
  choose.markers = FALSE,
  markers = "all",
  choose.ref = FALSE,
  zero.ref = FALSE,
  rename.markers = FALSE,
  new.marker.names = "Mouth,GI,Eye,Joint,BSA,Sclerosis,Fascia,Liver",
  file.is.clust = FALSE,
  add.fileID = FALSE,
  IQR.thresh = NULL

# build MEM heatmap and output enrichment scores
  cluster.MEM = "both",
  cluster.medians = "none",
  display.thresh = 1,
  newWindow.heatmaps = FALSE,
  output.files = FALSE,
  labels = TRUE,
  only.MEMheatmap = TRUE
# RMSD to compare MEM labels from three different clusterings (Fig.1 t-SNE and FlowSOM, our t-SNE and FlowSOM, and our UMAP and FlowSOM)
orig.MEM.scores = as.data.frame(MEM.values.orig[[5]])
rownames(orig.MEM.scores) = paste0(rownames(orig.MEM.scores), " (Fig.1)")
tf.MEM.scores = as.data.frame(MEM.values.tf[[5]])
rownames(tf.MEM.scores) = paste0(rownames(tf.MEM.scores), ' (t-SNE)')
uf.MEM.scores = as.data.frame(MEM.values.uf[[5]])
rownames(uf.MEM.scores) = paste0(rownames(uf.MEM.scores), ' (UMAP)')
all.MEM.values = as.matrix(rbind(tf.MEM.scores, uf.MEM.scores, orig.MEM.scores))

RMSD_vals <-
    format = NULL,
    newWindow.heatmaps = FALSE,
    output.matrix = FALSE

JonathanIrish/MEMv3 documentation built on July 14, 2019, 10:43 p.m.