Gamma-count Regression Models for Dispersed Count Data

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Eduardo E. R. Junior1 ( & Walmes M. Zeviani1 (

1ParanĂ¡ Federal University, Laboratory of Statistics and Geoinformation (LEG/UFPR)


The gammacount is a package with functions to apply regression models to count data using the Gamma-Count distribution. A likelihood-based approach is used for parameter estimation and inference through a S4 implementation derived from [bbmle] package. The Gamma-count regression model is considered in this package and methods for this model are also provided. See the supplementary material of Zeviani et. al (2014) for and old state version of the functions.

Download and Install

The gammacount is developed under control version using Git and is hosted in GitHub. You can install automatically from the GitHub repository using devtools. Just run the code below in a R session.

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("JrEduardo/gammacount") ## For short.

After installing the package, you can load and explore its contents running the R code below.

# Load and explore the package.
help(package = "gammacount")


The gammacount package is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3, see the LICENSE file.

JrEduardo/CountReg documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:04 p.m.