
#' Temperature Observation and Ensemble Forecasts
#' The data set contains 24-h ahead forecasts initialized at 12 UTC
#' for 2-m surface
#' temperature along with the verifying observations at station
#' 'Magdeburg'.
#' @format A data frame with 4461 rows and 58 variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{date.}{ Date in format 'yyyymmdd'}
#' \item{lat.}{ Latitude}
#' \item{lon.}{ Longitude}
#' \item{stationID.}{ Station identification number}
#' \item{stationName.}{ Station name}
#' \item{obs.}{ Observed temperature in degree Celsius}
#' \item{forc.1, forc.2, ..., forc.50.}{ Forecasts of 50 exchangeable ensemble members}
#' \item{forc.HRES.}{ High-resolution forecast}
#' \item{forc.CTRL.}{ Control forecast}
#' }
#' @references
#' Hemri S, Scheuerer M, Pappenberger F, Bogner K, Haiden T. 2014. Trends in the
#' predictive performance of raw ensemble weather forecasts. \emph{Geophysical
#' Research Letters} \strong{41}, 9197--9205, \doi{10.1002/2014GL062472}
#' Temperature Observation and Ensemble Forecasts
#' The data set contains 48-h ahead forecasts initialized at 12 UTC
#' for 2-m surface
#' temperature along with the verifying observations at station
#' 'Magdeburg'.
#' @format A data frame with 4460 rows and 58 variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{date.}{ Date in format 'yyyymmdd'}
#' \item{lat.}{ Latitude}
#' \item{lon.}{ Longitude}
#' \item{stationID.}{ Station identification number}
#' \item{stationName.}{ Station name}
#' \item{obs.}{ Observed temperature in degree Celsius}
#' \item{forc.1, forc.2, ..., forc.50.}{ Forecasts of 50 exchangeable ensemble members}
#' \item{forc.HRES.}{ High-resolution forecast}
#' \item{forc.CTRL.}{ Control forecast}
#' }
#' @references
#' Hemri S, Scheuerer M, Pappenberger F, Bogner K, Haiden T. 2014. Trends in the
#' predictive performance of raw ensemble weather forecasts. \emph{Geophysical
#' Research Letters} \strong{41}, 9197--9205, \doi{10.1002/2014GL062472}
#' Temperature Observation and Ensemble Forecasts
#' The data set contains 24-h ahead forecasts initialized at 12 UTC
#' for 2-m surface
#' temperature along with the verifying observations at station
#' 'List auf Sylt'.
#' @format A data frame with 4461 rows and 58 variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{date.}{ Date in format 'yyyymmdd'}
#' \item{lat.}{ Latitude}
#' \item{lon.}{ Longitude}
#' \item{stationID.}{ Station identification number}
#' \item{stationName.}{ Station name}
#' \item{obs.}{ Observed temperature in degree Celsius}
#' \item{forc.1, forc.2, ..., forc.50.}{ Forecasts of 50 exchangeable ensemble members}
#' \item{forc.HRES.}{ High-resolution forecast}
#' \item{forc.CTRL.}{ Control forecast}
#' }
#' @references
#' Hemri S, Scheuerer M, Pappenberger F, Bogner K, Haiden T. 2014. Trends in the
#' predictive performance of raw ensemble weather forecasts. \emph{Geophysical
#' Research Letters} \strong{41}, 9197--9205, \doi{10.1002/2014GL062472}
JuGross/ensAR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:23 a.m.