run_landclim: Run LandClim

Usage Arguments Details Author(s) References





Name of the control file (e.g. control.xml).


The working directory needs to be set to the level above "Input" and "Output" folders of LandClim, thus at the "site" level. Until now, the folder names are hard-coded, thus need to be "Input" and "Output", not e.g. input! Feel free to fix this!

It is assumed that LandClim is installed in a way, that the command 'landclim' is available in the command line (regardless of the current working directory).

If that is not the case, you can do the following in Ubuntu: Add the following line to the end of the file .bashrc in your home directory: PATH="$PATH:/path/to/landclim" (replace /path/to/landclim with the real path of the directory in which LandClim can be found). Then run the following command in the command line: source ~/.bashrc

Now you should be able to simply enter landclim in the command line to start LandClim. And calling run_landclim() in R should also work.


Klara Dolos


### Add LandClim refrences

KDolos/LandClimTools documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:42 p.m.