  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The bibliomatrix package includes data from the KTH Annual Bibliometric Monitoring (ABM) public part, including KTH as a whole, its five schools and about 30 departments. The dataset, named abm_public_kth, is a list with three entries: meta, units and pubtype_order.

Unit info (meta)


# To show the units included in the ABM, use either abm_public_kth$meta or the unit_info() function.
# (If no database connection is given to unit_info), abm_public_kth$meta is used anyway)
identical(unit_info(), abm_public_kth$meta)


# The unit_code is used in most functions related to ABM
# For schools, unit_code is a single letter, for departments it is equal to the DiVA organization id
unit_info() %>% filter(unit_code == "I")
unit_info() %>% filter(unit_code == "5869")

# The org_level field is 0 for KTH, 1 for schools and 2 for departments. Info for all schools:
unit_info() %>% filter(org_level == 1)

# The parent_org_id field can be used to show all departments of some particular school
# (note that the parent id is always a Diva organization id).
unit_info() %>% filter(parent_org_id == 6023) %>% select(unit_code, unit_long_en) %>% arrange(unit_long_en)

ABM tables (units)


# The five tables presented in the ABM is available in abm_public_kth$units for each unit.

# Get public ABM results for KTH
kth_abm_tables <- abm_public_kth$units$KTH

# Show parts of table 1
knitr::kable(kth_abm_tables[["diva"]] %>% select(Publication_Type_DiVA, P_frac, WoS_coverage))

# Note that numeric unit codes need to be enclosed with ` 

Order of publication types (pubtype_order)


# The only current use for the pubtype_order part of the public data is to present
# the DiVA publication type numbers in a consistent manner

KTH-Library/bibliomatrix documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 5:54 a.m.