wtReadPlotFile: Read WTAQ plot file

wtReadPlotFileR Documentation

Read WTAQ plot file


Read WTAQ plot file


wtReadPlotFile(plotfile, logtimes = NULL, toListView = FALSE, 

    dbg = FALSE)



plot file as produced by WTAQ model, either in “list view”, i.e.

in which data is organised in blocks being written one after the other

or in “matrix view”, i.e. in which data is organised in

one table only


if TRUE, time steps are supposed to be logarithmic, i.e. it is assumed

that the result plot file is in “matrix form”. Otherwise

(logtimes == FALSE) it is assumed that the result plot file is in

“list form” as each data block can contain different timestamps.

Setting this argument accelerates the reading of the results as the result

plot file does not have to be read twice (once for the format, once for

the actual data).


if TRUE, results are always returned in “list view” in which

drawdowns of different wells do not appear in different columns but all in

the same column CALCDD. A column WELL is added to indicate

the well to which the drawdown belongs. Default: FALSE.


if TRUE, debug messages are shown. Default: FALSE


Hauke Sonnenberg


### Read plot files as provided with "sample problems" 1 to 3 in WTAQ

### installation files

pfile <- system.file("extdata", sprintf("plt.sp%d", 1:3), 

                     package = "kwb.wtaq")

dat1 <- wtReadPlotFile(pfile[1])  

dat2 <- wtReadPlotFile(pfile[2])

dat3 <- wtReadPlotFile(pfile[3])

### Plot HDPW + HDOB1 + HDOB2 + HDOB3 + HDOB4 over dimensionless time (TDRDSQ)

tr1 <- lattice::xyplot(PW + OB1 + OB2 + OB3 + OB4 ~ TDRDSQ, 

              data = dat1, type = "l", auto.key = list(columns = 5), 

              main = "Example 1")    

### Plot CALCDD over TIME

tr2 <- lattice::xyplot(CALCDD ~ TIME, groups = WELL, 

              data = dat2, type = "l", auto.key = list(columns = 5),

              main = "Example 2")

tr3 <- lattice::xyplot(CALCDD ~ TIME, groups = WELL, 

              data = dat3, type = "l", auto.key = list(columns = 5),

              main = "Example 3")




KWB-R/kwb.wtaq documentation built on June 17, 2022, 3:05 a.m.