
Defines functions get_api_tables

Documented in get_api_tables

# get_api_tables -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Provide Tables of Wasserportal API Documentation
#' The tables that appear in the API documentation of the wasserportal
#' (https://wasserportal.berlin.de/download/wasserportal_berlin_getting_data.pdf)
#' have been added to the wasserportal package. This function returns a list
#' of data frames with each element representing one of these tables.
#' @param name of element from the list of data frames to be selected. If this
#'   argument is left blank (name = NULL), the default, the list of data frames
#'   is returned.
#' @return
#'   list of data frames or data frame specified by the \code{name} argument
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_api_tables()
get_api_tables <- function(name = NULL)
  files <- dir(
    system.file("extdata/api", package = "wasserportal"),
    full.names = TRUE

  x <- files %>%
    lapply(function(file) {
      read.table(file, sep = ",", header = TRUE, na.strings = "")
    }) %>%
      basename(files) %>%
        gsub(pattern = "^api_table_\\d+_", replacement = "") %>%

  if (is.null(name)) {

  select_elements(elements = name, x)
KWB-R/wasserportal documentation built on June 6, 2024, 10:26 a.m.