API for Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT
Multidimensional Computer Adaptive Testing with the Shadow Testing Procedure

Global functions
%not_in% Man page
ShadowCAT Man page
ShadowCAT-package Man page
as.scalar2 Man page
categorical_to_dummy Man page
characteristics_correct_format Man page
constraints_correct_names Man page
constraints_correct_operators Man page
constraints_correct_structure Man page
constraints_correct_targets Man page
constraints_lp_format Man page
estimate_latent_trait Man page
get_best_item Man page
get_eap_estimate_riemannsum Man page
get_fisher_information Man page
get_item_index_max_information Man page
get_item_index_max_information_constrained Man page
get_next_item Man page
get_posterior_expected_kl_information Man page
get_probs_and_likelihoods_per_item Man page
get_subset Man page
get_summarized_information Man page
lapply_return_array Man page
likelihood_or_post_density Man page
matrix_apply Man page
move_values_to_means Man page
na_only_end_rows Man page
na_only_end_vector Man page
no_missing_information Man page
number_non_missing_cells_per_row Man page
remove_rows_outside_bounds Man page
row_cumsum Man page
row_names_are_equal Man page
row_or_vector_sums Man page
rsapply Man page
shadowcat Man page
simulate_answer Man page
simulate_testbank Man page
sum_loop_outputs Man page
terminate_test Man page
test_shadowcat Man page
validate_and_run Man page
validate_and_run.test Man page
Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:28 p.m.