knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
Testing code to document MIDN Forest SQL database. Still a WIP.
library(odbc) library(DBI) library(tidyverse)
# Connect to database con <- dbConnect(odbc(), Driver = "SQL Server", Server = "INP2300VTSQL16\\IRMADEV1", #Server = "localhost\\SQLEXPRESS", Database = "MIDN_Forest", Trusted_Connection = 'True' )
# List tables in ANALYSIS schema view_list <- dbListTables(con, schema = "ANALYSIS") view_list # Import ANALYSIS views SQL code sql_list <- unique(c(paste0("EXEC sp_helptext 'ANALYSIS.", view_list, "'"))) sql_code <- lapply(seq_along(view_list), function(x){code = dbFetch(dbSendQuery(con, sql_list[[x]]))}) %>% setNames(view_list) views <- lapply(seq_along(view_list), function(x){dbListFields(conn = con, name = view_list[[x]], schema = "ANALYSIS") %>% setNames(view_list[[x]]) %>% unlist() %>% data.frame() }) %>% setNames(view_list) unlist(sql_code[[1]]) cat(sql_code[[1]]$Text, sep = "\t\r\n") field_test <- data.frame(field = t(matrix(unlist(views[[1]]), nrow = length(views[[1]]), byrow = TRUE))) names(views)
Still working out how to print in a readable format. Currently just printing raw text.
comb_output <- lapply(seq_along(view_list), function(x){ print(paste0("SQL Code for View: ", names(views[x]))) cat(sql_code[[x]]$Text, sep = "\t\r\n") print(paste0("Fields for View : ", names(views[x]))) print(data.frame(field = t(matrix(unlist(views[[x]]), nrow = length(views[[x]]), byrow = TRUE)))) cat("\n") } )
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