
Write your introduction before starting expriments!

Materials and Methods

You can write this section between your expriments. Why not?

Plant materials


First order reaction is expressed as follows

\begin{equation} \dfrac{dy}{dt} = -k_d y, r set_label() \end{equation} r update_ref(id = "first_order", list_name = "eqn")

where k~d~ is a rate coefficient for the decay. (r ref_eqn("first_order", eqn_prefix[1])).

Statistical analysis


Mention your data simply and carefully.

Some result

rThis is a caption for a scatter plot."} mtcars %>% ggplot(aes(mpg, cyl, col = factor(am))) + geom_point()

r update_ref("sample", list_name = "fig")


There was a negative correlation between mpg and cyl (r ref_fig("sample", fig_prefix[1])).


The most important section.

high mpg decrease cyl?

Blur blur. Hoge hoge.

KeachMurakami/fudukue documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:40 p.m.