Man pages for KechrisLab/multiMiR
Integration of multiple microRNA-target databases with their disease and drug associations

add.multimir.linksAdd External Database Link for Each of the multiMiR Result...
all_tablesFunctions defining the category each table belongs to.
as.mmqueryS3 constructor and methods for object returned by...
as_mmsql_componentsS3 Class constructors for objects defining SQL query...
build_mmsqlConstructors for parts of SQL queries Expand_query converts a...
default_cutoffIf null, set default predicted.cutoff
deprecate_argInternal function for sending deprecation messages
extract_mmqueryCreates all objects needed for the legacy S3 return object...
get_multimirGet microRNA-target Interactions from the multiMiR Package
get.multimir.cutoffsLoad Pre-calculated Prediction Score Cutoffs in the multiMiR...
list_multimirList microRNAs, Genes, Drugs Or Diseases in the multiMiR...
mmquery_bioc-classS4 constructor and methods for object returned by...
multiMiRMultiMiR: R package for accessing the multiMiR database
multimir_dbInfoCollect Information About the Web Server And Database of the...
multimir.summarySummarize microRNA/target Information from the multiMiR...
multimir_switchDBVersionManage Database Version to use
null_to_dfReplace nulls with an empty object of each type
padPad single space on each side of an input
parens_quotePrep certain names for use in SQL query by adding parens
parens_wrapCollapse a vector to a single comma-separated string and wrap...
parse_orgsEach org can be specified in one of 3 ways - this...
parse_responseParse the Result Returned by the multiMiR Web Server
query_multimirWrapper for search_multimir for adding feature (printing...
quote_wrapInternal function for adding single quotes around a string
remove_empty_stringsRemove empty strings from character vector.
remove_tableRemove tables x from a vector of table names.
search_multimirSearch the multiMiR Database Given a MySQL Query
split_bySplit, order and sort lists by their components.
sql_orgFunctions defining the WHERE clauses.
sql_validatedGenerate mmsql_components objects for each of the three types...
submit_requestGeneral workhorse function for submitting and returning...
KechrisLab/multiMiR documentation built on June 24, 2024, 3:47 a.m.