search_multimir: Search the multiMiR Database Given a MySQL Query

View source: R/search.R

search_multimirR Documentation

Search the multiMiR Database Given a MySQL Query


This is a function for directly querying the multiMiR database with MySQL queries. Given a MySQL query, it searches and retrieves result from the multiMiR database on the multiMiR web server. To use search_multimir directly, users will need to be familiar with MySQL and multiMiR table structures. Users are advised to use get_multimir instead.






a character string for the MySQL query.


search.multimir() has been deprecated and replaced with the search_multimir() version.


search_multimir returns a data frame containing results from the multiMiR web server.


  ## show all tables in the multiMiR database
  tables <- search_multimir(query="show tables")

  ## show the structure of table diana_microt
  microt <- search_multimir(query="describe diana_microt")

  ## search for validated target genes of hsa-miR-18a-3p in miRecords
  qry <- paste("SELECT m.mature_mirna_acc, m.mature_mirna_id,",
               "    t.target_symbol, t.target_entrez, t.target_ensembl,",
               "    i.experiment, i.support_type, i.pubmed_id",
               "FROM mirna AS m INNER JOIN mirecords AS i INNER JOIN target",
               "AS t ON (m.mature_mirna_uid=i.mature_mirna_uid AND",
               "    i.target_uid=t.target_uid)",
               "WHERE m.mature_mirna_id='hsa-miR-18a-3p'")
  result <- search_multimir(query = qry)

KechrisLab/multiMiR documentation built on June 24, 2024, 3:47 a.m.