multimir_dbInfo: Collect Information About the Web Server And Database of the...

View source: R/dbinfo.R

multimir_dbInfoR Documentation

Collect Information About the Web Server And Database of the multiMiR Package


Functions for collecting and displaying information about the web server and database of the multiMiR package.


multimir_dbInfo(url = NULL)

multimir_dbInfoVersions(url = NULL)

multimir_dbSchema(schema.file = NULL)

multimir_dbTables(url = NULL)

multimir_dbCount(url = NULL)



Deprecated. Use global option multimir.url instead.


Deprecated. Option exists as multimir.schema, but it should not need to be set directly.


multimir.url is a global option containing the URL of the multiMiR web server. Set using options("multimir.url" = ...)

multimir_dbCount returns counts of records in the tables in the multiMiR database. Each table contains data from an external miRNA/target database.

multimir_dbInfo returns other information about the multiMiR database. This includes information of external miRNA/target databases in multiMiR.

multimir_dbInfoVersions returns other information about the multiMiR database versions available. This provides a list of available options if switching to previous version is desired.

multimir_dbSchema prints the schema definition of the multiMiR database.

multimir_dbTables returns the vector of tables in the multiMiR database and saves it to the global option multimir.tables.list. This function is automatically run when get_multimir is called if the multimir.tables.list is NULL.


multimir_dbCount: a data frame with the count of records in each of the tables in the multiMiR database.

multimir_dbInfo: a data frame with information about the multiMiR database.

multimir_dbInfoVersions: a data frame with information about the multiMiR database versions.

multimir_dbSchema: none (invisible NULL).

multimir_dbTables: a data frame with table names in the multiMiR database.


  this_url <- getOption("multimir.url")
  options(multimir.url = this_url)
  db_ver <- multimir_dbInfoVersions()
  db_count <- multimir_dbCount()

  db_info <- multimir_dbInfo()


  db_tables <- multimir_dbTables()

KechrisLab/multiMiR documentation built on June 24, 2024, 3:47 a.m.