Man pages for Kenny-Jing-Xu/survivalMPLdc
Penalised Likelihood for Survival Analysis with Dependent Censoring

coef.coxph_mpl_dcExtract regression coefficients of a coxph_mpl_dc Object
coxph_mpl_dcFit Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Model under dependent...
coxph_mpl_dc.controlAncillary arguments for controlling the outputs of...
plot.coxph_mpl_dcPlot a baseline hazard estimates from coxph_mpl_dc Object
surv_data_dcGenerate a sample of time to event dataset with dependent...
survivalMPLdc-packagePenalised Likelihood for Survival Analysis with Dependent...
Kenny-Jing-Xu/survivalMPLdc documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 8:14 a.m.