# knitr options
  collapse = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  echo = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


A major part of PITcleanr's functionality is mapping detections from various antennas and sites onto user defined nodes. A node could be an individual antenna, a row (or rows) of antennas (i.e. an array), an entire site, or entire groups of sites. This mapping is accomplished using a configuration file that contains metadata about each antenna. The user can build their own (as detailed below), or start with information from PTAGIS.


PITcleanr includes a function queryPtagisMeta() that queries PTAGIS for metadata about every antenna in their system, including both interrogation and MRR (mark, recapture, recovery) sites. Another function, buildConfig() calls queryPtagisMeta() internally, selects certain columns of data, and assigns nodes.

The crucial components for PITcleanr are (with their column names after running buildConfig()):

Detection data from PTAGIS contains the first three, and what "node" those detections are mapped to can be set by the user. The configuration ID identifies the specific arrangement of antennas during a certain period of time. For example, if a site initially contains a single row (i.e. array) of antennas, labeled 01, 02 and 03, but later a second row is added (antennas 04, 05, 06), the configuration ID will change. Sometimes the location of certain antenna (e.g. 01) changes when a site is reconfigured, and the configuration ID helps track those changes.

The PTAGIS metadata also contains additional information such as:

All of this would be submitted to PTAGIS by individuals when setting up sites, and not every site will have all of that information.

buildConfig() defaults to assigning nodes based on the array, or group of antennas (node_assign = array). Searching the antenna group description for words like "upstream", "upper", or "top", it will assign those antennas to the upstream node, which is the site code plus _U (e.g. CHL_U). Similarly, if the antenna group description contains words like "downstream", "lower", or "bottom", it assigns it to the downstream node, which is the site code plus _D. If a site contains a middle array, those antennas are assigned to the _U node. For sites with four arrays, the upper two arrays are mapped to _U and the lower two arrays are mapped to _D.

If the user chooses to set the node_assign argument in buildConfig() to "site", the node will be identical to the site code, so all detections at a site will be mapped to the same node. If, however, the node_assign argument is set to "antenna", each antenna is defined as a separate node, and those nodes are labeled as the site code and the antenna ID, separated by "_".

Once that initial configuration file is built, the user may edit it however they wish, either within R, or by saving it as a .csv file and editing it by hand, then reading it back into R. Examples of this kind of editing might include assigning all the antennas at a particular dam to the same node, or mapping all the sites upstream (or downstream) of a certain point to the same node, based on river kilometer or some other criteria.

In the following example, we use the buildConfig() function to generate a default configuration and save it as array_configuration.

array_configuration = buildConfig(node_assign = "array")

Several sites are then consolidated into a single node (e.g. LNF, TUM), and some mark-recovery-recapture sites are merged with upstream array nodes, and the modified configuration is saved as my_configuration.

# customize some pieces
my_configuration = array_configuration %>%
  # first, for example, 'LNF' and 'LEAV' are re-coded into a single node 'LNF'
  mutate(node = ifelse(site_code %in% c('LNF', 'LEAV'),
         # these three nodes are all re-coded to a single 'TUM'
         node = ifelse(site_code %in% c('TUF', 'TUMFBY', 'TUM'),
         node = ifelse(site_code == 'CHIWAC',
         node = ifelse(site_code %in% c('CHIWAR', 'CHIWAT'),
         node = ifelse(site_code == 'CHIW',
         # In this case, PIT tags from carcass recoveries in the Chikamin River are
         # grouped with the upper 'CHU' array
         node = ifelse(site_code == 'CHIKAC',
         node = ifelse(site_code == 'NASONC',
         node = ifelse(site_code == 'WHITER',
         node = ifelse(site_code == 'LWENAT',
                       node)) %>%

Non-PTAGIS {#nonptagis}

For non-PTAGIS data, the user must supply their own configuration file. This can be easily constructed in a spreadsheet or csv, making sure to include these crucial columns (and naming them carefully):

For mapping purposes, or determining which sites are upstream or downstream of one another, the user may also want to include columns for latitude and longitude. Of course, any other metadata the user finds useful may also be included.

PITcleanr provides a template which can be used as a starting point for building a custom configuration file. The following code shows how to find it in the package, save it as a .csv on the user's desktop (or wherever they would like) and read it back into R after the user has added all the relevant metadata to it.


config_template <- tibble(site_code = NA_character_,
                          antenna_id = NA_character_,
                          config_id = NA_character_,
                          node = NA_character_,
                          latitude = NA_real_,
                          longituide = NA_real_)

          file = here("inst/extdata",

config_template <- system.file("extdata", 
                          package = "PITcleanr",
                          mustWork = TRUE) |> 
  read_csv(show_col_types = F)

# where will this template be saved?
config_file <- "C:/Users/usernamehere/Desktop/configuration_file.csv"


# after editing the file, read it back in
my_configuration <- read_csv(config_file)
ptagis_file = system.file("extdata", 
                          package = "PITcleanr",
                          mustWork = TRUE)

ptagis_cth = readCTH(ptagis_file)
             configuration = my_configuration)

KevinSee/PITcleanr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 11:03 p.m.