
This vignette illustrates how to read and input your own data to the SIAMCAT package. We will cover reading in text files from the disk, formatting them and using them to create an object of siamcat-class.

The siamcat-class is the centerpiece of the package. All of the input data and result are stored inside of it. The structure of the object is described below in the siamcat-class object section.

Loading your data into R

SIAMCAT format files

Generally, there are three input files in SIAMCAT format:

Features file

The features file is a .tsv file that is organized as follows:

features (in rows) x samples (in columns).

The first row should contain the sample names and the first column the feature labels (e.g. taxonomic identifiers). The remaining entries are expected to be real values >= 0 that quantify the relative abundance of each feature in each sample:

| | Sample_1 | Sample_2 | Sample_3 | Sample_4 | Sample_5 | | --- | ---:| ---:| ---:| ---:| ---:| | Feature_1 | 0.59 | 0.71 | 0.78 | 0.61 | 0.66 | | Feature_2 | 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | | Feature_3 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.20 | | Feature_4 | 0.34 | 0.00 | 0.13 | 0.07 | 0.00 | | Feature_5 | 0.06 | 0.16 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |

An example of such a file is attached to the SIAMCAT package, containing data from a publication investigating the microbiome in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and controls (the study can be found here: Zeller et al). The metagenomics data were processed with the MOCAT pipeline, returning taxonomic profiles on the species levels (specI):

library(SIAMCAT)  <- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"

We can access the file with the dedicated SIAMCAT function read.features:

feat  <- read.features(
# look at some features
feat[110:114, 1:2]

Metadata file

The metadata file is also a .tsv file, organized as follows:

samples (in rows) x metadata (in columns):

The first row should contain metadata variables names and the first column should contain sample names.

| | Age | Gender | BMI | | --- | ---:| ---:| ---:| | Sample_1 | 52 | 1 | 20| | Sample_2 | 37 | 1 | 18 | | Sample_3 | 66 | 2 | 24 | | Sample_4 | 54 | 2 | 26 | | Sample_5 | 65 | 2 | 30 |

Again, an example of such a file is attached to the SIAMCAT package, taken from the same study:  <- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"

We can access the file with the SIAMCAT function read.meta and look at the result:

meta  <- read.meta(
## need to be run to exclude adenoma patients
meta <- meta[meta$diagnosis != 5,]

Label file

Finally, the label file is another .tsv file containing samples and labels. The label file is optional, since the label can also be created out of the metadata, as shown below.

The organization of the label file is a bit more complicated:

Taken together, the file should look like that:

| #BINARY:1=cancer;-1=healthy | | :---| :---| :---| :---| :---| | Sample_1 | Sample_2 | Sample_3 | Sample_4 | Sample_5 | | 1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | 1 |

Again, an example file is attached to the package: <- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"

We can access the files with the SIAMCAT function read.labels:

label <- read.labels(

The label can also be created from one of the metadata columns. For example, to create the equivalent label, we can use the diagnosis column, treating the value 1 as a case and the 0 as a control:

label <- create.label.from.metadata(meta, "diagnosis", case = 1)

For later plotting, it might be nicer to have names for the different groups stored in the label object (instead of 1 and 0). We can also supply them to the create.label.from.metadata function:

label <- create.label.from.metadata(meta, "diagnosis", case = 1,
                                    p.lab = 'cancer', n.lab = 'healthy')

Creating a siamcat-class object

Out of the features, label and (optionally) metadata objects we can create a siamcat-class. The structure of the object is described in the siamcat-class object section.

siamcat <- siamcat(feat, label, meta)

LEfSe format files

LEfSe is a tool for identification of associations between micriobial features and up to two metadata. LEfSe uses LDA (linear discriminant analysis).

LEfSe input file is a .tsv file. The first few rows contain the metadata. The following row contains sample names and the rest of the rows are occupied by features. The first column holds the row names:

| label | healthy | healthy | healthy | cancer | cancer | | --- | ---:| ---:| ---:| ---:| ---:| | age | 52 | 37 | 66 | 54 | 65 | | gender | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |Sample_info | Sample_1 | Sample_2 | Sample_3 | Sample_4 | Sample_5 | | Feature_1 | 0.59 | 0.71 | 0.78 | 0.61 | 0.66 | | Feature_2 | 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | | Feature_3 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | | Feature_4 | 0.34 | 0.00 | 0.43 | 0.00 | 0.00 | | Feature_5 | 0.56 | 0.56 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |

An example of such a file is attached to the SIAMCAT package:<- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"

SIAMCAT has a dedicated function to read LEfSe format files. The read.lefse function will read in the input file and extract metadata and features:

meta.and.features <- read.lefse(, rows.meta = 1:6, row.samples = 7)
meta <- meta.and.features$meta
feat <- meta.and.features$feat

We can then create a label object from one of the columns of the meta object and create a siamcat object:

label <- create.label.from.metadata(meta, "label", case = "cancer")
siamcat <- siamcat(feat, label, meta)

MaAsLin format files

MaAsLin is a tool for identification of associations between micriobial features and complex

MaAsLin can have two types of input files:

a) two .tsv files, one for metadata and one for features - those can be used in SIAMCAT just like with SIAMCAT format files read.features and read.meta;

b) a single PCL file that can be read like the LEfSe format files with the read.lefse function.

metagenomeSeq format files

metagenomeSeq is an R package to determine differentially abundant features between multiple samples.

There are two ways to input data into metagenomeSeq:

a) two .tsv files, one for metadata and one for features - those can be used in SIAMCAT just like with SIAMCAT format files read.features and read.meta. The features file needs to be transposed with the transpose = TRUE parameter:  <- system.file(
    package = "metagenomeSeq"
feat <- read.features(, transpose = TRUE)

b) BIOM format file, that can be used in SIAMCAT as described in the following section

BIOM format files

The BIOM format files can be added to SIAMCAT via phyloseq. First the file should be imported using the phyloseq function import_biom. Then a phyloseq object can be imported as a siamcat object as descibed in the Creating a siamcat object of a phyloseq object section.

Creating a siamcat object of a phyloseq object

The siamcat object extends on the phyloseq object, so creating a siamcat object from a phyloseq object is really straightforward. This can be done with the siamcat constructor function. First, however, we need to create a label object:

data("GlobalPatterns") ## phyloseq example data
label <- create.label.from.metadata(sample_data(GlobalPatterns),
                                    column = "SampleType",
                                    case = "Feces")

And then we will run the constructor function:

siamcat <- siamcat(GlobalPatterns,label)

siamcat-class object

The siamcat-class is the centerpiece of the package. All of the is stored inside of the object:

internal make-up of a siamcat object In the figure above, rectangles depict slots of the object and the class of the object stored in the slot is given in the ovals. There are three obligatory slots -phyloseq, label and orig_feat- marked with thick borders.

In order to explain the siamcat object better we will show how each of the slots is filled.

phyloseq, label and orig_feat slots

The phyloseq and label slots are obligatory.

The phyloseq, label and orig_feat are filled when the siamcat object is first created with the constructor function. Thus, the minimum valid call of the siamcat function requires a feature table (of otu_table class e.g. returned by read.features function) and a label object (e.g. returned by read.label function or created from metadata table with create.label.from.metadata function): construction

All the other slots

Other slots are filled during the run of the SIAMCAT workflow: workflow

Accessing and assigning slots

Each slot in siamcat can be accessed by typing


e.g. for the eval_data slot you can types


There is one notable exception: the phyloseq slot has to be accessed with physeq(siamcat) due to technical reasons.

Slots will be filled during the SIAMCAT workflow by the package's functions. However, if for any reason a slot needs to be assigned outside of the workflow, the following formula can be used:

slot_name(siamcat) <- object_to_assign

e.g. to assign a new_label object to the label slot:

label(siamcat) <- new_label

Slots inside the slots

There are two slots that have slots inside of them. First, the model_list slot has a models slot that contains the actual list of mlr models -can be accessed via models(siamcat)- and model.type which is a character with the name of the method used to train the model: model_type(siamcat).

The phyloseq slot has a complex structure. However, unless the phyloseq object is created outside of the SIAMCAT workflow, only two slots of phyloseq slot will be occupied: the otu_table slot containing the features table and the sam_data slot containing metadata information. Both can be accessed by typing either features(siamcat) or meta(siamcat).

Additional slots inside the phyloseq slots do not have dedicated accessors, but can easily be reached once the phyloseq object is exported from the siamcat object:

phyloseq <- physeq(siamcat)
tax_tab <- tax_table(phyloseq)

If you want to find out more about the phyloseq data structure, head over to the phyloseq BioConductor page.

Session Info


KonradZych/SIAMCAT documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:20 p.m.