About this vignette

This vignette aims to be a short tutorial for the main functionalities of SIAMCAT. Examples of additional workflows or more detailed tutorials can be found in other vignettes (see the BioConductor page).

SIAMCAT is part of the suite of computational microbiome analysis tools hosted at EMBL by the groups of Peer Bork and Georg Zeller. Find out more at EMBL-microbiome tools.


The promise of elucidating associations between the microbiota and their host, with diagnostic and therapeutic potential, is fueling metagenomics research. However, there is a lack of user-friendly software tools implementing robust statistical testing and machine learning methods suitable for microbiome data. Here, we describe SIAMCAT, a solution to this problem implemented as R package.

Associations between microbiome and host phenotypes are ideally described by quantitative models able to predict host status from microbiome composition. SIAMCAT can do so for data from hundreds of thousands of microbial taxa, gene families, or metabolic pathways over hundreds of samples. SIAMCAT produces graphical output for convenient assessment of the quality of the input data and statistical associations, for model diagnostics and inference revealing the most predictive microbial biomarkers.

First Steps: Read/Validate/Filter the Data

First, let us load the SIAMCAT package and use the files included in SIAMCAT. The data are the same as used in the publication of Zeller et al, which demonstrated the potential of microbial markers in fecal samples to distinguish patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) from healthy controls.

fn.in.feat  <- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"
fn.in.label <- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"
fn.in.meta  <- system.file(
    package = "SIAMCAT"

We can access the files with the dedicated SIAMCAT functions and directly construct a SIAMCAT object containing the microbial features, the patient's labels, and metadata for the patients.

feat  <- read.features(fn.in.feat)
label <- read.labels(fn.in.label)
meta  <- read.meta(fn.in.meta)
siamcat <- siamcat(feat, label, meta)

A few information about the siamcat object can be accessed with the show function from phyloseq:


In fact, siamcat-class object extends phyloseq-class object:

phyloseq <- physeq(siamcat)

The validate.data function ensures that we have labels for all the samples in features and vice versa.

siamcat <- validate.data(siamcat, verbose=1)

The data can also be sub-selected based on the available meta-data. For example, if we want to exclude patients that are too young or too old for the question of interest, we can do so easily with:

siamcat <- select.samples(
    filter = 'age',
    allowed.set = NULL,
    allowed.range = c(20, 90),
    verbose = 2

Since we have quite a lot of microbial markers in the dataset at the moment, we perform unsupervised feature selection using the function filter.features. Here, we filter based on overall abundance, but could also do so based on prevalence or cumulative abundance.

siamcat <- filter.features(
    filter.method = 'abundance',
    cutoff = 0.001,
    recomp.prop = FALSE,
    rm.unmapped = TRUE,
    verbose = 2

Association Testing

Associations between microbial markers and the label can be tested with the check.associations function. The function computes a generalized fold change for the marker, the prevalence shift, a single feature AUC, and the significance of the association by using a Wilcoxon test. The function again produces a pdf-file as output and is thus not run here, but can be used as follows:

## Not run here, since the function produces a pdf-file as output
    sort.by = 'fc',
    fn.plot = 'assoc.pdf',
    alpha = 0.05,
    mult.corr = "fdr",
    detect.lim = 10 ^-6,
    max.show = 50,
    plot.type = "quantile.box",
    panels = c("fc", "prevalence", "auroc"),
    verbose = 2

The resulting plot then looks like this: Association Plot

Model Building

Another feature of SIAMCAT is the versatile but easy-to-use interface for the construction of machine learning models on the basis of microbial markers. SIAMCAT contains functions for data normalization, splitting the data into cross-validation folds, training the model, and making predictions based on cross-validation instances and the trained models.

Data Normalization

Data normalization is performed with the normalize.features function. Several control options are available, for example a choice of the normalization method from log.unit, log.std, rank.unit, rank.std and log.clr or additional parameters. Here, we use the log.unit method:

siamcat <- normalize.features(
    norm.method = "log.unit",
    norm.param = list(
        log.n0 = 1e-06,
        n.p = 2,
        norm.margin = 1
    verbose = 2

Prepare Cross-Validation

Preparation of the cross-validation fold is a crucial step in machine learning. SIAMCAT greatly simplifies the set-up of cross-validation schemes, including stratification of samples or keeping samples inseperable based on metadata. For this small example, we choose a twice-repeated 5-fold cross-validation scheme. The data-split will be saved in the data_split slot of the siamcat object.

siamcat <-  create.data.split(
    num.folds = 5,
    num.resample = 2,
    stratify = TRUE,
    inseparable = NULL,
    verbose = 2

Model Training

The actual model training is performed using the function train.model. Again, multiple options for customization are available, ranging from the machine learning method to the measure for model selection or customizable parameter set for hyperparameter tuning. Here, we train a Lasso model and enforce at least 5 non-zero coefficients.

siamcat <- train.model(
    method = "lasso",
    stratify = TRUE,
    modsel.crit = list("pr"),
    min.nonzero.coeff = 5,
    param.set = NULL,
    verbose = 0

The models are saved in the model_list slot of the siamcat object. This slot stores objects of model_list-class. To get the complete list out of the siamcat object:

model_list <- model_list(siamcat)

This slot also stores information on which method was used to construct the model:


Models can also be easily accessed:

models <- models(siamcat)

Make Predictions

Using the data-split and the models trained in previous step, we can use the function make.predictions in order to apply the models on the test instances in the data-split. The predictions will be saved in the pred_matrix slot of the siamcat object.

siamcat <- make.predictions(siamcat, verbose=0)
pred_matrix <- pred_matrix(siamcat)

Model Evaluation and Interpretation

In the final part, we want to find out how well the model performed and which microbial markers had been selected in the model. In order to do so, we first calculate how well the predictions fit the real data using the function evaluate.predictions. This function calculates the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve (AU-ROC) and the Precision Recall (PR) Curve for each resampled cross-validation run. The results of the evaluation will be stored in the eval_data slot of the siamcat object.

siamcat <-  evaluate.predictions(siamcat, verbose=2)

Evaluation plot

To plot the results of the evaluation, we can use the function model.evaluation.plot, which produces a pdf-file showing the ROC and PR Curves for the different resamples runs as well as the mean ROC and PR Curve.

## Not run here, since the function produces a pdf-file as output
model.evaluation.plot(siamcat,'eval_plot.pdf',verbose = 2)

Instead of the pdf-output, we can for this vignette also access the evaluation data in the siamcat object directly and plot the ROC-Curves:

# plot ROC Curves
    xlim = c(0, 1),
    ylim = c(0, 1),
    xlab = 'False positive rate',
    ylab = 'True positive rate',
    type = 'n'
title('ROC curve for the model')
abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 3)
# for each resampled CV run
eval_data <- eval_data(siamcat)
for (r in 1:length(eval_data$roc.all)) {
    roc.c = eval_data$roc.all[[r]]
    lines(1 - roc.c$specificities, roc.c$sensitivities,
        col = gray(runif(1, 0.2, 0.8)))
# mean ROC curve
roc.summ = eval_data$roc.average[[1]]
lines(1 - roc.summ$specificities,
    col = 'black',
    lwd = 2)
# plot CI
x = as.numeric(rownames(roc.summ$ci))
yl = roc.summ$ci[, 1]
yu = roc.summ$ci[, 3]
polygon(1 - c(x, rev(x)), c(yl, rev(yu)), col = '#88888844' , border = NA)

Interpretation plot

The final plot produced by SIAMCAT is the model interpretation plot, created by the model.interpretation.plot function. The plot shows for the top selected features the

Additionally, the distribution of metdata is shown in a heatmap below.

The function again produces a pdf-file as output and is thus not run here. An example of how it can be used can be found below:

## Not run here, since the function produces a pdf-file as output
    fn.plot = 'interpretation.pdf',
    consens.thres = 0.5,
    norm.models = TRUE,
    limits = c(-3, 3),
    heatmap.type = 'zscore',
    verbose = 2

The resulting plot looks like this:

Model Interpretation Plot

Session Info


KonradZych/SIAMCAT documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:20 p.m.