
This is a package that will provide you with the functions used in CUBES EA and Gasbench data processing, i.e. it is a replacement for the custom.functions.R (which you will no longer need). To install this package, run the following from your RStudio console:

install.packages("devtools") # only needed once to install the devtools package

To use this package in your processing pipeline, remove the source(file.path(, "custom.functions.R")) and replace it simply with library(isoprocessCUBES) (you will also NOT need the variable anymore). A useful line to include outside your code chunks to make sure you know which version of isoprocessCUBES you have been using is the following:

Document knitted with isoprocessCUBES version `r packageVersion("isoprocessCUBES")`.


To download the latest example files, click on the links below and copy the contents to a new RMarkdown file (or save as csv):

KopfLab/isoprocessCUBES documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:49 a.m.