
Defines functions DatabaseImmuneCellExpressionData

Documented in DatabaseImmuneCellExpressionData

#' Obtain human bulk RNA-seq data from DICE
#' Download and cache the normalized expression values of 1561 bulk RNA-seq samples
#' of sorted cell populations from the Database of Immune Cell Expression (DICE).
#' @inheritParams HumanPrimaryCellAtlasData
#' @details 
#' This function provides normalized expression values of 1561 bulk RNA-seq samples
#' generated by DICE from pure populations of human immune cells.
#' TPM normalized values for each cell type were downloaded from \url{https://dice-database.org/downloads}. 
#' Genes with no reads across samples were removed, and values were log2 normalized after a pseudocount of 1 was added.
#' The dataset contains 1561 human RNA-seq samples annotated to 5 main cell types (\code{"label.main"}):
#' \itemize{
#'     \item B cells
#'     \item Monocytes
#'     \item NK cells
#'     \item T cells, CD8+
#'     \item T cells, CD4+
#' }
#' Samples were additionally annotated to 15 fine cell types (\code{"label.fine"}):
#' \itemize{
#'     \item B cells, naive
#'     \item Monocytes, CD14+
#'     \item Monocytes, CD16+
#'     \item NK cells
#'     \item T cells, memory TREG
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, naive
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, naive, stimulated
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, naive Treg
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, Th1
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, Th1_17
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, Th2
#'     \item T cells, CD8+, naïve
#'     \item T cells, CD8+, naïve, stimulated
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, TFH
#'     \item T cells, CD4+, Th17
#' }
#' The subtypes have also been mapped to the Cell Ontology (\code{"label.ont"},
#' if \code{cell.ont} is not \code{"none"}), which can be used for further programmatic
#' queries.
#' @return A \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object with a \code{"logcounts"} assay
#' containing the log-normalized expression values, along with cell type labels in the 
#' \code{\link{colData}}.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @references
#' Schmiedel B et al. (2018).
#' Impact of Genetic Polymorphisms on Human Immune Cell Gene Expression.
#' \emph{Cell} 175, 1701-1715.
#' @examples
#' ref.se <- DatabaseImmuneCellExpressionData()
#' @export
DatabaseImmuneCellExpressionData <- function(ensembl=FALSE, cell.ont=c("all", "nonna", "none"), legacy=FALSE) {
    cell.ont <- match.arg(cell.ont)

    if (!legacy && cell.ont == "all") {
        se <- fetchReference("dice", "2024-02-26", realize.assays=TRUE)
    } else {
        version <- "1.0.0"
        se <- .create_se("dice", version, 
            assays="logcounts", rm.NA = "none",
            has.rowdata = FALSE, has.coldata = TRUE)
        se <- .add_ontology(se, "dice", match.arg(cell.ont))

    .convert_to_ensembl(se, "Hs", ensembl)
LTLA/CellTypeReferences documentation built on June 1, 2024, 12:12 p.m.